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fappingnoises August 13, 2023 11:11 pm

Yes, my heart is broken. From happiness. Maybe. maybe not? lol it's a good read.

fappingnoises July 30, 2023 11:07 am

Holyfuck comments start working again and you get an influx of cringe. Go figure

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 3:17 pm

    Welcome to preschool where you can only color with red.
    But if you color with blue, you need professional help!
    It is red or your sick and need professional help.
    When you stand up about how wrong “it is red or your sick and need professional help”
    And stand up for the harassment of your friends.
    They gaslight you by saying you are harassing them and try to say it is a disagreement.

    They are insecure about their POV they created a forced your into my POV or you are sick condition statement.

    Mikaela July 30, 2023 3:19 pm

    Tmsmyz, dear, stop harassing every comment you disagree with and get some sleep. Move on, your brain already took off.

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 3:30 pm

    I am not harassing at all. Where am I disagreeing here. It is cringe!

    Leave me alone. Gaslighter

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youself. Good job, site.

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