he fried him or what OH CMON don't keep me hanginggg

ah fck the way he cares bout him is just so fcking sweetttt

he looks like a big censored dick

this is sooo sweett

Aoi created a topic of Honey Trouble

What's with the ID?

Aoi created a topic of Homerun Hearts

Fck u too for breaking the poor sunbae's heart

Aoi created a topic of Dasadanan

I had been thinking about reading this for the last 2 years but now that I finally read it I REGRET THT I DIDN'T READ IT EARLIER!!! everyone was so sweet in this i love it!!!

Aoi created a topic of Our Sunny Days

There we go, guys I have already signed the adoption papers, he is my cutie patootie son now

Aoi created a topic of Darn It!

big boss is a little cutie

my shaylaa

voting for him in the next elections

"how can he hate me?" I wonder bro I wonder why

ur skin, oh ya ur skin nd bones~~

Aoi created a topic of Jinx

You guys should have seen my mocking smirk face rn