please! Translate a new manwha called
"Something impossible"
섬씽 임파서블
Tough bottom is an esper detective in his 40s?
Needs to fk/kiss ppl to see their past? Someone please please do this ლ(´ڡ`ლ) hes such a hottie
This is the premise:
신체 접촉을 통해 타인의 기억을 읽어내는 능력자 덱스. 30년전 모종의 사건을 덮기 위해 히어로 협회와 종신 계약을 맺으면서 평생 협회에 봉사하고 있는 그는, 테라 사건의 용의자로 지목된 빌런 '진' 의 범죄 이력을 알아낸다면 그 대가로 자유롭게 해주겠다는 제안을 받는다. 덱스는 소중한 이들에게 돌아가기 위해 진과 몸을 섞기로 하는데.....
This is translated?
Dex, who has the ability to read other people's memories through physical contact. He signed a lifelong contract with the Hero Association to cover up a certain incident 30 years ago, and has been serving the Association for his entire life. He receives an offer to free him in return for finding out the criminal history of the villain 'Jin', who is identified as a suspect in the Terra incident. In order to return to those precious to him, Dex decides to combine his body with Jin's.....

Im drunk whos joining me?

Im almost 30 (and mexican!) and tiktok just taught me how to drink tequila lol You should inhale, drink/gulp and then exhale the alcohol, and you will enjoy a lot more the taste and suffer less the alcohol after taste! Apparently they teach this in Jalisco where tequila is from! Now get drunker bitch! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

I've been in this platform for many years (maybe 10, before this was onemanga, anyone remember that?), Anyways I just want to know how to look for manga from most high star rated to least and I don't know how lol wish there was a predetermined option in the manga menu where all genres appear (where we have "views, popularity, updates, and two more I don't remember)
Can somebody help this almost 30 year old lady please? You youngins are smarter and wiser and faster lol plz halp ( ̄∇ ̄")

Full Metal Alchemist in manwha form, fully colored as well, thats fucking dedication, anyone interested in translating and uploading this?

With femenine ukes, do you imagine a raspy deep female voice when you read? I've started to imagine purely male voices regardless of positions.
In anime a lot of male characters in general are voiced by female seiyuus and just in recent years have we been bombarded with more shounen ai and yaoi anime with actual deep voiced male seiyuus as ukes and blast our ears with gorgeous sexy males (don't get me wrong, love my female queens, but listening to a deeper toned voice makes the fantasy a little more realistic and I fangirl way harder) which has helped tremendously make the boy on boy love more real and I know not all males have super deep voices, but they usually are at least a few decibels lower
There are several female seiyuus with amazing raspy, deep voices that will never be replaced by a male like Luffys', Nanas'/FMA-eds' and many others.
What do you hear when you read?
Relic (48chapters/ongoing)
Written and illustrated by Myeong-inamul
*BL/Older mid 30s uke, youger mid 20s seme
Non graphic BL scenes, more plot and story heavy
Relic is a group that studies ruins where large-scale magic sleeps. Benjamin, a researcher at Relic, loses something in the ruins he was in charge of, but has no intention of finding it. Asher comes to Benjamin and asks him to find what Benjamin lost instead, and asks him to accept him as his assistant. The two of them dig into the secrets of the thirty-fifth ruin to find the 'lost thing'...
By 명이나물
대규모 마법이 잠들어 있는 폐허를 연구하는 단체 레릭. 레릭의 연구원 벤자민은 담당하고 있던 폐허에서 무언가를 잃어버렸지만 찾을 생각을 하지 않는다. 그러한 벤자민에게 찾아온 애셔는, 벤자민이 잃어버린 것을 대신 찾아주는 대신 자신을 조수로 받아 달라고 한다. 두 사람은 '잃어버린 것'을 찾기 위해 서른다섯 번째 폐허의 비밀을 파헤치게 되는데...