Unpopular opinion: but jung jaehan is my favourite character - not excusing his twisted sense of reality. Even though he does/did unforgivable things for kicks - I kinda relate to him on some level. To become so warped in your own self that you lose touch with reality, and tend to demonize people who threaten your sense of control (whatever you have left of it) over yourself - especially if it's in a way that is completely foreign to you.
Jaehan has been ignoring and dismissing his feelings because he didn't even know he was feeling anything at all except the same negative emotions he has always felt towards others.
I get why people are hating on him, but I don't agree at all. He's done some hateful things but he isn't a hateful person.
People only conveniently remember the "bad" things he might have done, but what he did before he actually knew heegyeom and all the things he did for him afterwards are so different. (He doesn't tolerate people disrespecting him, talking to him informally when they're younger, making fun of his clothes, causing him troubles at work, making him have that sad expression (when that dude mentioned his wife) he couldn't even scold that dude in front of him because he didn't want to be seen as his old self now) even with the movie itself, it was already ruined when he overheard them changing the script, he didn't intentionally change that. He also said his investment wasn't high enough to influence any decisions and even when he brought it up, heegyeom felt insulted and showed reluctance to make him do that. (Also, I think he was jealous of his "film" in his own delusional way because heegyeom was so fond of it, and showed that fond smile everytime he talked about it) - (Jaehan was a sadist no doubt but character development, people)
Also I don't know why people are conveniently forgetting that he was raped by heegyeom and accidentally caused him to overdose - not to mention his insomnia (which is literally one of the worst things to suffer from trust me)
Watching jaehan's wall crumble down was really painful to watch - because he wouldn't be able to go back to even his destructive lifestyle after this. I'm sure many people have said that he should suffer more for his sins, but to me, apart from the planting drugs thing, he has tried a lot to make up for his mistakes. Also heegyeom knows what kind of person he is - but there have been so many incidents since the start where jaehan has been so obvious with his feelings. After they really got to know each other, he has been a different person.
I think heegyeom will put 2 and 2 together, he did hint that he "shouldn't have said it" to jaehan and realized he had wanted to apologize but he didn't. He knows jaehan is an impulsive person with no control over his emotions but when he apologises and tries to make up, he is really sincere about it. Which has moved heegyeom before. Like the hwadae incident which became an inside "joke" afterwards between them. And now that jaehan is putting soooo much effort and money to make sure his dream is realized after it was totally crushed.
Plus is it me who can see how much he missed jaehan by the way he keeps kissing and holding him? Uwu. I'm just ╥﹏╥
I know people hate jaehan here, but I really love him. He's so pitiful, like a puppy hit by a car lying on the side of the road, just like heegyeom, who is like a wounded tiger. Idk I just love their dynamic and I don't hate anything about the story or characters in it. They're all very interesting, even if not completely likeable to many. I'll forever hope for jaehan to find therapy and heal himself so he can be good to heegyeom and vice versa. Something tells me that heegyeom liked jaehan at the same time he did back then - why would he even kiss him to give him drugs and had sex with him when he was passed out if he wasn't aware of him in that way? And why he felt sorry that he caused him to overdose. It's so interesting~
Unpopular opinion: but jung jaehan is my favourite character - not excusing...