aaa im in love with the representation of different(?) koreans in this webtoon?? like im also korean american so i relate to taehee heavily but how intl students act like in american colleges and yeonwu coming from super religious family are super on point!! the author rly does this well it makes me happy tysm author-nim :D

im rather shocked lol, the ending was so... uncanny? not a fan of gory stuff like this so i skimmed a lot of the action but the story was interesting enough to keep me going. the whole twist towards the end with aki, makima, and power got me thinking a lot >___>
it was good! but im still in my "wtf did i just read" mood and pls i miss the trio sm

ppl r so butthurt abt the r4pe and messed up tropes in fictional work like pls it’s gonna be in at least half the BLs u read,, everyone knows it’s not morally right but this is just fiction so like chill out..? not every fictional work is gonna be butterflies and sparkles so if u dont like it and it makes u uncomfortable, leave it’s a just a story and no one is preventing u from dropping it so can we just enjoy what this author creates pls. like if wrong, why so sexy huh (ofc i wouldnt condone for any of this irl but im here for the spiciness bc thats the purpose of this webtoon ok and could care less if chiwoo and hwan are still a couple by the end <3)

why is it marked completed when it says the next volume is released in january skshak make it make sense pls lol

"The BEASTARS Volume 22 release date in Japan is scheduled for January 8, 2021."
this is what this article said. https://www.monstersandcritics.com/anime/beastars-manga-ending-creator-paru-itagaki-volume-20/

the last time i read this was around 5-6 years ago and rereading it now, the story has developed so much XD enomoto is a funny character to observe and i love how ren gradually opens up to more people over time
despite the slow updates, i still rly love this story~ and thank u to all the translators <3 i also hope this manga eventually gets finished so i can binge read it again some day :D

i last read this manga around 3-4 years ago when nekoma was going against nohebi since i didn't have to patience to keep up with ongoing manga. now that it's almost finishing and people around me are getting into haikyuu bc of the anime, i binge read all the chapters for three days and chapter 378 just hit hard. they're all grown and my heart is just all mushy now because of their development. kageyama and hinata are actually battling each other. i guess i got too attached to when they were high schoolers that i imagined them to kind of keep that same team and let it all be a high school thing (like kuroko no basuke and other sports anime/manga) but damn!! i love how it's also providing us with what these characters are doing in the future. it's also cool how these characters are reuniting by being in the same teams too. and man, hinata just becomes more and more admirable each chapter.
i really just hope best for the ending of haikyuu! i enjoyed it through and through and it really has been a long ride for the weebs who have stuck with this manga/fandom <3
anddd i just want to know what kuroo is up to since there was no mention of him yet ><
i actually liked this a lot.... pls it's just a manga, fiction will always have some sort of dark tropes like cheating and shitty characters. well everyone has diff preferences but let's appreciate the mangaka for getting those angry emotions out of you! they still worked hard on this piece, you know?
i thought that the plot and characters were rather well thought out for the forbidden love trope, which i think the author was aiming for. everyone had their flaws and strengths but came to a middle ground at the end like other stories. and the art was really good!
of course, i don't justify a lot of their actions irl but again, remember it's just a story. it obv won't be everyone's taste but let's do a reality check. if you really didn't like it, just put it down. you are accountable for what you read :)
good point you have there myfriend