Tetris created a topic of Asmodian's Contract

Wait.... wedding rings go on the left hand right... My guy thinks he's slick.

Tetris answered question about my first boyfriend
at this point i could join a scanlation group. I use my art abilities mainly to screw over my friends

As someone who has read the novel the lines between what happened in the novel and what happened in the manga were blurred for me so i was confused as heck when i read that tia's dad's store wasn't open yet and she wasn't with her yandere prince 'friend'.

Tetris answered question about question
I saw the word volleyball. I was summoned?
Tetris answered question about have a shower thought
wasn't incest frowned upon because it caused deformities in the family after a while? Also, this is an honest question: who the fuck did adam and eve's kids do it with!!?
Tetris answered question about question
a tag? w h a t ?
Tetris answered question about explain your username
......anyways, here's proof that my straight male friends are sus as hell.
Tetris answered question about favorite youtube channel
The drama on this site. It leaves me rolling.