I have to disagree with the other comments. While the art got prettier the characters just don't look like themselves anymore and that throws me off really badly.
I didn't enjoy reading this chapter at all. How many times more will takano pet onoderas head and one of them say "roger that"? Could be a drinking game just as much.

I have no particular opinion on the old art style, it wasn't pretty but it had its own charm, yk?
Usually I don't mind it when art improves but the change is so drastic that it barely even looks like what it started out as. Takano always looked a bit rough and mean but now he looks like so kind??? Who is this man?

Oh but they have. For the worse. Takano now is a full on rapist and onodera so spineless he can't make takano shut up about having to confess or just confess!!!! Takano knows onodera loves him but insists on a confession for no reason and onodera knows that takano knows and knows it himself AND STILL HAS KEPT HIS MOUTH SHUT FOR NO REASON

I'm sorry, this is the infamous manhwa with the ML being called carcel??? Meaning PRISON in Spanish??? Just reading the summary I know the author took a Spanish dictionary and opened the pages at random to pick names.
Btw escala means stairs. And the suffix -te is a form of conjugation. So I'm just reading something like "stairing", "a stairing person"

Please enlighten me how the meaning is misogynistic:
Definition: strongly prejudiced against women.
How does Carcel “willingly” entering into the ‘prison’ (a metaphor used to describe the way he chooses of his volition to be beholden and faithful to only her, over the lifetimes, even when she isn’t his wife) misogynistic? It’s his choice alone.

Prison, definition:
a building in which people are legally held as a punishment for a crime they have committed or while awaiting trial.
Keyword punishment.
Seeing faithufulness towards a woman as a punishment... okay.
Calling marriage a prison is a deeply misogynistic practice. E.g. jokes about "the last day of freedom" by bachelor's. Men most of times entered marriage willingly yet regarded it as being taken of their freedom.
This was and still is at the expense of women. Women are portrayed as the incarcerators, the ones taking away freedom, despite men flourishing in marriage while women suffer under it.
To me a prison is not a nice thing. Even a metaphorical prison isn't. It's an ugly place I'm being held at against my will to be punished for.
Calling love, calling marriage, calling being tied to a woman being in a prison is not only ugly but as I've stated misogynistic.
I'm sure the author didn’t mean it that way at all but misogyny displays itself in each one of us in subtle ways may be unaware of.

Don't you got a prob with how you view things. Not all prison mean that. It just mean he trapped to Ines. It's not just any wife or women that you keep bringing up. What part of fate that he's tied to Ines only that you don't understand. The wife in his name always only means Ines. It's not just wife or women because Ines is his only wife. On the other hand, Ines was never tied to him. When they wished before they die, she wanted him to be free from her. He let her be with other men that she choose but he also wished to forever love her. This is his prison that he "willingly" asked for. It's your problem and your view of anything misogynistic to even bring up only a negative definition of prison or even to say marriage and wife when the Escalante in his name only means Ines. Then when was he tied to other women or marrying? All nobles in that timeline HAD to marry. This isn't even about mysogny. You're the one being mysogny to bring up something that doesn't got to do with it.

In this scenario the prison is a prison because she’s Ines and not because she’s a woman, I don’t think it’s misogynistic at all. The image of Ines “chaining” Carcel to her due to her choosing him from a young age has been repeated since the beginning of the novel.
This is not because Ines, a woman, marrying Carcel, a man, is seen as a woman tying a man down, trapping him in a prison where’s he’s no longer allowed to do as he pleases (like the mysogynistic narratives you stated above). This is because Ines, having lived 2 insanely difficult life, has chosen to Carcel to act as her lifeboat in her desperation to escape the lives she’s lived before. However, in this process, she’s taken Carcel’s right to determine his future away from him, to other people he’s chained to her, no matter what he does he’ll be her husband in the end.
However, unlike how other people (Ines included) sees it, Carcel actually loves Ines, he’s willingly tied himself to her. She offers to return his freedom to him multiple times and he refused it. So I think the intent of the author is Ines’s schemes/plans for him is a prison Carcel willingly walks into, not that the marriage with Ines, a woman, is a prison he’s walking into. Of course, you can read it differently, but personally I think it’s reductive to ignore the entire context of the story and intepret the meaning purely on the words chosen to make up his name. (If I made any grammatical mistake or appear too agressive, I apologize, english is not my first language.)

It's all lives bc they had a rl 1st life together where they married. Ines made a wish to free Carcel from her bc she think he deserve better and to be happy. Carcel let her choose to be with other men she choose but also wish to love her forever so that was him willingly choosing to chain himself to love her forever even if he lets her go against her fate to choose other men. That is why she's his prison bc he's chained to love her forever but she was free to always choose other men. The other men just can't make her happy so she chose him again. That was also part of the wish. The angel wanted Carcel to fix Ines wish bc she was trying to go against their fate by splitting them but Carcel let Ines choose her own path. He only wish for her to choose him again if no other men can make her happy. That's why whenever we see ppl saying Emiliano made her free and happy are wrong bc if she was happy, she wouldn't have chose Carcel again. It was all part of their wish.
This was dropped. If you want to finish the chapters anyway read them starting from ch54 on another site, they're completely butchered here.
THANKS!!!! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ