Elianelle May 18, 2024 8:21 am

These guys are both so trashy (since they're same lol).
It's funny af reading this but i really wonder what the author's intention with this is, black haired dude is so nasty, i feel no sympathy.
Telling someone who's comatose that you want to fuck? Threatening to rape them once they wake up?

Elianelle May 11, 2024 12:37 pm

The magazine releases every 4 months i think, so it should be finished in year...

Elianelle May 9, 2024 10:55 am

I really loved this so much when i started it. But now.... i haven't been enjoying this for quite a while and I fear this is the last drop.

Firstly the plot isn't even interesting. The pacing is all over the place, she's in that boring ass school, then crazy war things happen, she's in the school again. And the whole plot of her fighting against that demon guy isn't even fun in the first place but now it rarely even matters!!!!

Secondly I hate the romance. It has pedo vibes from BOTH ends. Kahil started liking enisha when she was like 5 years old. And enisha now likes kahil back when she is actually centuries old! Or whatever her age was, she was at least like in her 20s/30s.
The cherry on top is that they have zero chemistry and no moments that make your heart flutter in the slightest.

Thirdly the characters. The characters are so cardboard cutter thin. I couldn't care less about any of them. The worst offenders obv being KAHIL AND ENISHA. Goddamn it, they are so bland.
Esp enisha, our fucking main character. She is supposed to be smart but she hasn't shown that at all. And she lets people push her around like crazy. Speak up girl.

Fourthly the enisha fan club. If you have to mention how great this character is, is it really that great? It's being SHOVED down our throats how perfect enisha is when neither her character design nor her personality are anything special.
And EVERYONE loves her. No exceptions. It's not even funny. I don't get why and I'm so tired of every single character being reduced to loving Enisha plus her now having a real fanclub.

No. 5 her family. I've already ranted a lot about how some scenes here border on incest fetishism with how weirdly fanservice panels are placed and with how obsessed her brothers are with her.
I'll include the mages in her family for now bc the same goes for them, except it's at least not bordering incest... But oh wait! They canonically feel a familial bond towards her and she picked them up as kids.... and one of them is in love with her! That part isn't incestuous but it makes me sick.

No. 6 and my absolute favorite head banger. The over protectiveness. Yeah, i get loving your siblings. I get being protective. I do. I am like that. But this??? This is not normal. I'm so SICK of it.
Enisha can't move without her family or the mages getting absolutely crazy protective. There's no other topic in the world for them other than putting Enisha in a cage i guess. It always was annoying and went overboard. I hated how they talked about her being in a relationship. Hell, i can't even make many examples because they do it literally every scene.
But this chapter i genuinely had to pause for a minute before i could go on and I felt such rage reading this.
What the fuck.
They actually want to kill her lover??? I'm sorry dear author, but are you aware of how messed up this is? I thought they'd finally get the hint, finally let her LIVE. but no. Obv not. It only gets worse.
And the best thing is that Enisha never ever says a word and lets it happen

Elle Aline April 27, 2024 8:53 am

Listen I know this was quite boring for some time but I love Lippe and Rias as a couple so so much

Elle Aline April 27, 2024 8:43 am

i really like sm about this manga. They communicate so much, they prep and they are just so doting and wholesome.
BUT i still don't like how shiba is becoming increasingly feminized. Why again is he bottoming? Can't recall their talk about it and it is such a missed opportunity.
And why did they give nomi the giant dick and shiba the mini dick like pls, won't u subvert our expectations for once???

    Xx_LDM333_LittledumbMoNsTer_xX April 27, 2024 9:09 am

    Actually he actually had a decent size of a dick compared to the micro dicks of previous bottoms that I always read, it's his bf who has an insane size of a dick lol

    Puppy is angwy April 27, 2024 11:18 am
    Actually he actually had a decent size of a dick compared to the micro dicks of previous bottoms that I always read, it's his bf who has an insane size of a dick lol Xx_LDM333_LittledumbMoNsTer_xX

    Yes, it just nomi has huge size... so shiba's dick will look small in comparison.
    I think shiba has medium size.

    Ur welcome April 27, 2024 1:51 pm

    If Shiba wants to bottom, let him bottom.
    You have to realize not all gay couples are verse

    Elle Aline April 27, 2024 2:19 pm
    If Shiba wants to bottom, let him bottom.You have to realize not all gay couples are verse Ur welcome

    Except he never said he wanted to, I'm saying I want them to talk about it

Elle Aline April 26, 2024 9:36 am

Kurose belongs in jail, his license should be revoked, if I were to support the death sentence it'd be cause of him.
I want a restraining order against the author like tf u fetishizing me

    lostikins May 8, 2024 6:43 pm

    No one is "fetishizing" you lol

    Who tf even are you???

    Elianelle May 8, 2024 7:46 pm
    No one is "fetishizing" you lolWho tf even are you??? lostikins

    Someone with ocd, thank you

    Elianelle May 8, 2024 7:49 pm
    No one is "fetishizing" you lolWho tf even are you??? lostikins

    The author is very clearly fetishizing ocd and that's disgusting af. It's also fetishizing mlm so yeah. But that's not unique to this BL so.... I'll focus on the ocd fetishization.
    It's also really weird how both MCs were "in love" with adults, Kurose even approaching the adult.

    lostikins May 9, 2024 2:56 am

    1. Just because someone writes about a subject matter or includes it in a sexually mature work does not mean it is "fetishizing" something. Grow tf up.
    2. Idfc if you have OCD or not it doesn't give you the right to hurl insults and false allegations towards someone. I'm autistic with CPTSD and a whole laundry list of disorders. You don't see me bitching like a lil fucking baby.
    3. No one is fetishizing you personally 'cause no one knows who tf you are. Cut it with the weird tiktok psychosis where just 'cause you relate to something somehow that automatically means it's about you. News flash; the rest of the world doesn't fucking care lol

    Elianelle May 9, 2024 7:58 am
    1. Just because someone writes about a subject matter or includes it in a sexually mature work does not mean it is "fetishizing" something. Grow tf up.2. Idfc if you have OCD or not it doesn't give you the righ... lostikins

    Wow you really didn't understand anything

    Elianelle May 9, 2024 11:05 am
    1. Just because someone writes about a subject matter or includes it in a sexually mature work does not mean it is "fetishizing" something. Grow tf up.2. Idfc if you have OCD or not it doesn't give you the righ... lostikins

    I hope you'll understand my point.
    1. It's not including sexually mature work alongside ocd that is fetishizing. It's the way it's done. Kurose literally approaches the guy bc of his ocd.
    It's how shirotani facing his ocd sexually. How it turns kurose on, that shirotani is so pure yet lets him stain him.
    It's portrayed as hot, that shirotani is doing all these dirty things despite his ocd.
    2. What false allegations? And what insult? Except towards the characters?
    3. It's very obvious that I wasn't speaking about me personally but about me as a part of people with ocd. Like i said the author is fetshizing ocd. Poeple with ocd. And the thought that someone looked at what people like me go through every day and said "wow i think i have to write porn about that" is revolting to me and if you really have no empathy for that I'm at a loss for words.

    I'd like to ask you one thing. What is your opinion of sia's movie "music" or how it's called? As someone on the spectrum

    Pami May 28, 2024 6:38 am
    No one is "fetishizing" you lolWho tf even are you??? lostikins

    Bro what? Did u even read what her point was lmao bro went straight to personal attacks without even understanding their point.

    Ofc u don’t know her u fucken retard seriously i keep forgetting online rats like u still exist

    Epsilon December 9, 2024 4:28 am
    Someone with ocd, thank you Elianelle

    I have OCD and I don’t consider this fetishization? Or bad for OCD people? It’s just fiction

    lostikins December 9, 2024 4:43 am
    Bro what? Did u even read what her point was lmao bro went straight to personal attacks without even understanding their point. Ofc u don’t know her u fucken retard seriously i keep forgetting online rats lik... Pami

    Are you illiterate?

    OP literally states that they want a restraining order against the mangaka for "fetishizing them."

    Are your eyes just for decoration??

    Elle ne parle pas francais December 9, 2024 6:35 am
    Are you illiterate?OP literally states that they want a restraining order against the mangaka for "fetishizing them."Are your eyes just for decoration?? lostikins

    Jokes are not real huh

    Elle ne parle pas francais December 9, 2024 6:35 am
    I have OCD and I don’t consider this fetishization? Or bad for OCD people? It’s just fiction Epsilon

    That's your opinion and you're free to have it

    Pami December 9, 2024 5:36 pm
    Are you illiterate?OP literally states that they want a restraining order against the mangaka for "fetishizing them."Are your eyes just for decoration?? lostikins

    U tried with that insult but I’m telling u just made u sound dumb asf. Anyways keep ur hateful and vile attitude to urself.(keep it up ur the only one who will suffer because of it anyways lol)

    Pami December 9, 2024 10:14 pm
    That's your opinion and you're free to have it Elle ne parle pas francais

    Girl just ignore ppl like this. Truly they are morally corrupt so trying to argue reason or logic will only be a waste of time.

    Epsilon December 9, 2024 10:31 pm
    Girl just ignore ppl like this. Truly they are morally corrupt so trying to argue reason or logic will only be a waste of time. Pami

    How is liking Ten Count or not viewing it as wrong/harmful or fetishization morally corrupt? Bruh

Elle Aline April 17, 2024 10:43 pm

If you don't notice it yet, he's angry and hateful

Elle Aline April 14, 2024 11:01 am

What the hell happened to his face in that one panel a blank slate

Elle Aline April 9, 2024 10:56 pm

This is like "what it means to be you" but worse. The first chapters are painful to read but I promise it's so worth it.
If you like this but are annoyed by riftan the man child go read it pls.

Elle Aline April 9, 2024 10:32 pm

I remember HATING this in the beginning because winter was such an asshole. But I never could stop because I liked Violet and I wanted her to get out of that horrible situation.
AND THEN SHE LEFT. It was so fucking good. Seeinf winter suffer and realize how he wronged Violet. So good.
I had stopped somewhere around when they met again and in the beginning I totally didn't want them back together.
But.... but it develops so carefully and winter genuinely regrets his errors. He actually changes??? Not totally ofc but seeing him respect violets wishes???? I love it.
Their relationship is so heartwarming and wholesome.

I went from hating this to being absolutely infatuated. It's one of the best girlie isekai and I just... Violet is such a good character.

    Chibi April 15, 2024 3:28 am

    Yeah, I was so angry in the beggining of the story, but it was so well written that I have forgiven Winter. The author made the best job I've ever seen in making a character be punished and he grew so much as a character, he's a whole different person now!
    This is proof that people can grow and change, and they can try to make up for mistakes and actually be successful sometimes

    Elle Aline April 15, 2024 6:40 am
    Yeah, I was so angry in the beggining of the story, but it was so well written that I have forgiven Winter. The author made the best job I've ever seen in making a character be punished and he grew so much as a... Chibi

    Ecactlyyyy. I'm usually the type to hate the trashy ML and to never forgive but this was so well done.

    AttackOnPotatoe April 16, 2024 7:59 pm

    I dropped this around three years ago but those comments make me want to give it another chance

    Elle Aline April 16, 2024 8:18 pm
    I dropped this around three years ago but those comments make me want to give it another chance AttackOnPotatoe

    Yes my love give it another chance

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