In a world where Humans and Demons are in constant wars. Human adventurers seek to challenge the dem...
- Author: Color-LES
- Genres: Adventure / Comedy / Fantasy / Romance / Shoujo Ai / Webtoons / Yuri
The once peaceful land of Egypt has been stained with blood under the tyrannical rule of Seth, the g...
- Author: Mojito
- Genres: Historical / Webtoons / Drama / Fantasy / Action / Yaoi
As a secretary, is there anything more tragic than having a crush on your boss? What's more, th...
- Author: Zig
- Genres: Yaoi / Smut / Drama / Romance / Webtoons
Being in love with a man of a lower rank was perhaps the only problem in Yona's otherwise peaceful ...
- Author: kusanagi mizuho
- Genres: Adventure / Comedy / Drama / Fantasy / Harem / Historical / Romance / Shoujo
24 05,2021
The long awaited new serialization from Asada Nemui! This man does not yet know that he will die tod...
- Author: ASADA Nemui
- Genres: Adult / Horror / Yaoi