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neko.lover created a topic of Killing Stalking

I read this during the MAJOR hype of KS. Waiting for the weekly chapters was a painful but amazing experience. Although I don't consider this yaoi, it was refreshing to see a "yaoi"-esque story be so blatantly toxic and not disguising it's toxicity as passionate love. Obviously season 1 is superior and season 2 falls short. However, doing a full re-read I feel like the author could have stretched out the plot. Season 1 should have just purely been about Bum's experience trapped in the house. I actually think s1 could have ended with Bum leaving the house for the first time - what a great cliffhanger !! The s1 climax was just too fast for me. I think the author could have used the killing classmate plot as a s2 plotline. We could have seen Sangwoo get more and more enthralled with Bum and his mask slowly starts to fall off around his classmates. Then we get the dead classmate!

I think it must have been difficult for the author to create a fully satisfactory ending. Obviously, we need justice but then there's Bum. The story should have had an open ending and the epilogue could have wrapped things up. Now the ending itself??? Maybe Sangwoo goes to prison and Bum tries to forget him. The epilogue might show Sangwoo getting out of prison and stalking Bum (as Bum first did to him). A complete role reversal !

TDLR: Season 1 went by wayyy too fast. Season 2 could have had the classmate's death climax. Overall, ok story and definitely had an impact on the yaoi genre (even tho this is NOT yaoi -___-). Honestly this could have been 3 seasons long if the author just spread out season 1's plotlines to season 2.