Tbh, so many shojo stories always follow the same plot of

MC is reincarnated/ rebirthed/ isekai'd and she meets the ML.

The ML is obviously who she's gonna end up with in the end

However, the ML ALWAYS has a different fated partner/ fiance/ previous woman/ future lover that he's actually supposed to end up with.

MC thinks either, shes not good enough, or she's breaking the flow of the story, or she can't disturb the natural course of the ML's love, or something like that and distances herself from the ML

We readers see the MC desperately trying to distance herself cuz for some reason they want to stick with the original time line. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

The ML is super sad cuz now he thinks the MC doesn't like him cuz he isnt good enough, or something dumb like that, when they're OBVIOUSLY MADLY IN LOVE WITH EACHOTHER.

Plot happens, blah blah, the MC finally decides to break the original plot and love the MC back

They get together and WOW, happy endingggg
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

(And for some reason, the second lead syndrome is very strong in these stories)
┗( T﹏T )┛

Anyways, I really dont like it when the MC always has this sense of duty to stick with the original timeline for no reason...

Just wanted to vent this out there (●'◡'●)ノ
2020-06-20 23:09 marked
Storyline so far:
Ain: I love you mom haha : D (but little does she know I'm a super handsome and smart and op and cool and poison resistent devil in disguise >: D)
FL and Ain do some shit
Duke shows up out of nowhere, i swear to god its his superpower or something
FL: GASP d d d d d d d duKe?? What are you doing here? :O (in your own home)
Duke: hi (y she always scared y Ain laik her y she dun laik me i dun get it :^( )
2020-06-03 07:09 marked
If you're looking for something similar to this then I’m pretty sure at least one or two of these will pique your interest:

-The legendary moonlight sculptor
-Ranker who lives a second time
-I log in alone
-dungeon reset
-the great mage returns after 4000 years
-a returners magic should be special
-tomb raider king
- skeleton soldier
-the descent of the demonic master
-I am the sorcerer king
-kill the hero
-the second coming of gluttony
-otherworldly sword Kings survival records
-reverse Villain
-dimensional mercenary
-player reborn
-the blade of evolution
-Gangnam dokkaebi
-Vampire lord
-No scope
-The gamer
-The god of high school
-Weak hero
-Cape of spirits
-Tower of god
-Code Adam
-Play dead
-Mode ll
-Chronoctis express
-Ultimate outcast
-Unknown code

And if you have anything similar please let me know because I do enjoy this genre and would love to find more of them!! So leave a comment of any that I might have missed out on!!
2020-05-15 11:37 marked
Suu is such a good protagonist!!! I'm not talking morally here lol but that's what makes good protags imo. I love that he's not only smart and scheming as hell, but he's flawed! From being ignorant of things beyond his control to having skewed morals... It makes him more relatable as a human, yet his cleverness also earns our respect. Say what you want about him, but he's definitely one of my favorite characters of all time.
2020-05-03 10:50 marked
I'm just going to assume most of us have read tons of isekai-related stories like this. I just a thought. If you were the heroin/e (lol, drug addict til the end ( ̄∇ ̄")) anyway. Imagine being transported into the world where you pour your heart out to play and realizing you were the heroin (, I just cant) she had done exactly as it should but it was all worthless. No one was by her side and that might have drove her to desperation.

Let's wonder for a moment why was she chosen to be transported? Is she living alone in a rundown apartment, with no job and only has games to fill her empty life too? Was she also saved by the game like the female lead in this story? Waking up in a not so terrible environment, realizing she has a chance at happiness, wouldn't she have done everything she had to do to achieve that since it is after all, all she has now?

For another chance at life, isn't her ending jist the same as her last one?

I don't know while I am very satisfied with how this story is going. I thought what if I was in the shoes of that girl who was also transported into another world? What if the life thought was something that was God's gift was seriously not for me. Then why transport me in the first place? Want me to live another miserable life?

I became sad thinking about that.#-.-)
2020-04-08 05:10 marked
Can we all please appreciate how amazing Taehyun is?
He really... REALLY likes Dokyung. He’s such and amazing person that instead of trying to steal Dokyung away from Hajin, he encourages his friend to be with him and respects their relationship at cost of his health. Like look at that pure baby. His eye bags are almost touching his chin and he somehow looks skinnier, not to mention that he mostly dreams about Dokyung, making him even more confused and sad.
I hope with all my fucking being that he falls in love with someone who loves him back, twice the amount he does.
2020-04-05 20:54 marked
Huan Wen and uncle are so interesting in the way they shield themselves from pain and been hurt or relationship.
they really are very interesting cause in the end of the day they doing the same thing in different ways. uncle protect himself by not showing his feelings and just go with the flow, thinking it will be fine cause I"m not serious so he can't hurt me while Wen not trying or open to relationship at all, he shut himself down before it even start to not get hurt. in a way they very similer so their talk was very very interesting one to see.
and I don't think we have the right to judge any of them, the only one we can judge is ourself.
2020-04-04 22:40 marked
To make this clear. Inorder for a woman to bear a Taran child, it’s either they have Taran blood wIth them or they have been “prepped” to conceive(there is a criteria for this but i’ll leave it for now since it might be spoiler to some OR READ THE AWESOME NOVEL. * wink). No wonder Hue will just sleep around because he knows, nobody can conceive his child anyway. the purer the Taran child the more violent And stronger they become and with their temperament they could kill their kin, no problem. With the Taran people dwindling (lack of women within the family) the doctor’s clan cultivated maidens and these maidens can only conceive female Taran children :) thus dr. Emphasizes a bride for master Damien, he is also implying to Hue that he can serve as a “stud” to continue the bloodline, and so Hue is utterly disgusted by it and he abhor the fact that he is soo pure that he craves for violence that is why he always goes to kill some barbarians or war just to satisfy his itch.
2020-04-02 00:25 marked
Lucia’s face creeps the hell out of me like when she opens her mouth it looks like she’s going to suck the soul out of everything within 10kms with her mouth. Not to mention her naive yet unwavering and “quirky” attitude, yes we get it you’re the FL
2020-03-27 20:03 marked
guys i still haven't gotten over the fact that rugal narrated his fucking trash of a sob story and really said 'i'm gonna be better now though so peace out ' after he sexually assaulted james and james was just like 'aight buddy' and james was acting fine and shit for someone who just got physically molested hdbdjdbdj???!!!! i would have been fine if there were like 10 or 20 chapters more solely for hunting down rugal's ass (licht governs a government intelligence agency and brett is a whole ass mafia boss for fuck's sake it's possible) and like showing us the growth of the characters after the tragedy (of rugal) or just a glimpse of how they're coping. this ending is a joke

ps: if y'all tell me to move on i'm going to demolish you. james and samuel have got to have trauma and now they have to spend bucks for their weekly therapy and i hate that!!!!! rugal fucked over a lot of people and he deserves to be fucked over, too. TEN FOLD!!!!!
2020-03-20 07:27 marked
((spoilers if you're not caught up))

SH is desperately trying to recreate the same feeling he had the first time he slept with NK, as evident of him having flashbacks of NK clinging to him while confessing his love (not to him, but still).

So after that, when he raped a sober NK, he was shocked that NK didn't get hard and tried his best to get away from him, even going so far as to cry and hit him. SH, obviously, is not used to being so violently rejected and takes it personally. In his mind, once NK remembered, he'd welcome SH with open arms. After all, NK did feel good while being held. How "feelings" might come into play was never something he considered. After all, he's a young master and NK is just a peasant he treats exceptionally well (all things considered). Why on earth would NK continue to refuse him? NK is turned on too isn't he? It doesn't make any sense to SH.

After raping NK to unconsciousness, it's clear he was disturbed by the whole situation. I say "disturbed" instead of "guilty" because, while his conscience was pricked, he had a hard time grasping why things turned out the way they did. Why did NK reject him? Why was SH taking it so badly? Or not taking it badly enough? If it were anyone else, he'd probably have them killed or at least strung up and beaten half to death. And despite offering him room and board and a life beyond the imaginings of any commoner, why did NK try to run away? How could he make NK "his?" Of course the only way he knows to do that is to blackmail (using the Learned Sir), bribery (giving him all these luxuries) and to fuck him into submission, but instead of submitting, NK still rejects him. SH is also probably not one to have sex with someone so unwilling (after all he can find many willing partners), but he fucks NK to the point of nearly killing him.

At this loss of self-control of himself and the entire situation, he tries to return to his usual haunts, but in the short scene we saw, he's distracted and isn't aroused despite being in the middle of an orgy. He only pays attention when "the painter" is brought up and has flashbacks of an ill NK.

It's clear from that conversation SH thinks NK belongs to him. Even if he keeps sleeping around, he probably won't bring NK again. From now on, SH expects NK to only paint scenes of the two of them. And of course, he's quite jealous of NK's affection for the Learned Sir. He's willing to cut them both down if NK tries to run away with him again (though it could be an empty threat like with the straw mat beating). He asks what NK likes about the Learned Sir, and has accused him of wagging his tail for him like a puppy. SH KNOWS in his heart of hearts, he's superior to the teacher in every way (at least every way that matters to him such as status, mental and physical prowess), and yet NK doesn't want him.

I honestly think it's still too early to say SH's feelings are genuine or that he's anything but selfish in his desires. Like I said before, he's trying to recapture that moment of NK embracing him out of love. Probably because he's never really slept with anyone who didn't have an ulterior motive, and even if they did like him, the people in his life always come emotionally guarded. It's unspoken that gay relationships at that time period are just temporary diversions. All the young lords will eventually get married and start their families out of duty. I'm sure SH is under the same pressure as the heir to his declining family. Seeing how everyone KNOWS of his proclivities, SH is actually very rebellious and doesn't mind bringing both dishonor and ruin to his family.

So who knows what SH actually wants until we get a bit more of his background. In the beginning it was just escapism through constant sex. He doesn't seem to have any goals or aspirations. He squanders his time, money, and reputation like it's nothing. It's clear he's self-destructive and doesn't care.

It's hard to say what he feels for NK. It's safe to assume that he finds NK's innocence and his withheld sensuality incredibly erotic. He also finds him incredibly cute (he likes pushing NK's hair back to see his flustered face). He also likes it when NK clings to him and acts a bit spoiled (telling him what to do, telling him it's all his fault despite it being very inappropriate for someone lowborn), and likes teasing him when NK acts this way.

While still early, we can see SH being less forceful. SH wants NK to like him the same way he does the teacher, but he's at his last nerve being so sleep deprived and snaps when NK rejects him again (for not sitting closer to him after rejecting him by not wanting to sleep in the same room with him when SH returns home for the first time), and punishes him for a bit, and so when he sees NK reacting and saying it's HIS fault for getting an erection, SH is so ecstatic he can't help himself. He doesn't want to physically hurt NK, but he's not going let this chance go to waste and sucks his dick lol. He probably doesn't even realize how incredibly out of character it is for a noble to pleasure someone lowborn, but he's fixated on getting NK's attention.

I think we're going to see SH change his tactics a bit and put in a little more effort to woo NK, but we probably won't see SH treating NK like an actual human being he cares for rather than a cute pet for awhile still.

As for how NK feels, I'd summarize it as a mix of sexual attraction (he's been dreaming about SH from the near beginning), and Stockholm syndrome. Like SH, NK has no goals or aspirations either. He just has a crush on his teacher and an alcohol addiction (at least before coming to live with SH). I'm sure they're both very lonely people. NK especially, has to deny his sexuality and grew up an orphan. His attachment to his teacher is probably because he was the first person to "parent" NK.

Anyway, I'm interested to see where this goes! Can't wait to see more of their backstories!
2020-03-14 19:32 marked
People are saying she let them die etc... but really, can you even change something fated to happen by just doing little things? maybe other webtoons are like that but this one took a realistic turn and im fine with that
2020-03-06 21:34 marked
Okay so Joowon is Heasoo's cigarettes and Taku's the lighter ??

Lmaooo sorry forget it
2020-03-06 07:26 marked
this item will be show after approved
2020-03-06 06:46 marked
Idk if it’s just me but that booklet 4 extra against remind me of a very sad point about haru (at least I find it sad and that’s how I perceive it but idk if I’m right). He doesn’t get it for the blanket, he doesn’t get it for the train, isn’t it just because he has in fact such low esteem about himself he doesn’t think people would see things from him as treasure? Because he thinks things from him, or he himself, aren’t worth that much and don’t deserve that much love? The more I read super lovers, the more it appears to me that in general haru has no idea he’s loved. Besides obliviousness, it seems to me to run deeper, like he just doesn’t perceive himself as someone worth love. Probably due to how he was raised too. And I find that very sad.
2020-03-03 05:53 marked
*attractive boys come within 5 feet of each other*
Me: Well folks, you might as well call this a harbour cause we have a ship!
2020-03-01 03:29 marked
this manga i cant find it i guess its not out yet right? cause if it is someone help me i wanna read it it looks soo sexy and will probably be an awesome story
2020-02-24 08:13 marked
Yikes yikes. Can you guys imagine if this was a story from Duke Felix' perspective? One crazy lady is trying to become the duchess, so you are trying to get rid of this golddigger. Suddenly this lady initiated to help him and then schemed on his behalf - can you ca her motives not suspicious? And now, finally, it seems like her scheming has turned against him. She started to manipulate everybody around him and himself as well in order to make him realise (or believe?) he cannot live without her and that it is his fault 100% so he marries her and...she becomes a duchess. If there was another love interest in the picture, Adele would be the second cannon fodder.

Or let's reverse their genders for a moment. Main guy Adolf sees Felicia being harrased by somebody else so he swoops in to help her. After eliminating the other guy he now demands her to love him in return and is trying to manipulate her into being unable to live without him. Felicia is trying to slowly realise her feelings but Adolf demands an answer right away. And it has to be an answer that he agrees with otherwise everybody will believe he was the victim and, therefore, ruin her reputation.

In case you wish to see a longer rant, check my previous comment lol. It wasn't too long ago
Either way - Dear diary. It is day 1283 of reading La dolce vita di Adelaide. I feel like I have witnessed a trainwreck or assasination of a character, since the main heroine is seemingly straying and might soon become a villain in an alternate universe. Though... if it turns out that Adele is the real villain in this story and it will take off from here... that might catapult this story up into the heavens in my rankings! lol
2020-02-12 06:14 marked
My Summary so far -

Previously on Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai;
Our main group is the Doushinkai now run by its 4th head Misumi Takahito. Along side him is his right hand man and (I believe illegitimate) son Amou. Misumi has a soft spot for Yashiro, and had planned to elevate him to a higher position within the group (2nd in command).

The Shinseikai are a branch of said group - run by Hirata, under him is our very own Yashiro. Together with his underlings - Sugimoto and Nanahara, they make one fearsome band of misfits. Doumeki, tagged alongside them, was and will forever be Yashiro’s body guard. They never did exchange saki cups did they... Doumeki lost the last knuckle of his left pinky in atonement, for failing to protect Yashiro during an attempt at his life. In other news, Doumeki flies to the rescue when Yashiro is attempting to expose the “yakuza who framed me” - Hirata. Come to find a very battered Yashiro who seems to have accepted death. All in all Doumeki is shot, Yashiro freaks out and gets a rock to the head. Cut to the hospital Yashiro pretends to have forgotten Doumeki. Sweet Doumeki knows it’s all lies but still chooses to step back.

Kageyama is Yashiro’s childhood friend and your friendly neighborhood go to yakuza doctor. Also I guess Yashiro’s first crush. Kageyama likes burning stuff - like his friends skin. Koga is Kageyama’s (former street fighter) boyfriend.

The Matsubara is Ryuuzaki’s branch. Ryuuzaki is very clearly in love with Yashiro. Was manipulated by Hirata - Got him into the drug trade and ordering an assassin/bullet against Yashiro, but Ryuuzaki ordered said bullet to miss - thus Yashiro lives. When poor Ryuuzaki tried to stand up against Hirata, he was stabbed. He was sent to prison for his part in Hirata’s fiasco.

Scumbag Hirata - our previous bad guy. Resented Misumi for favoring Yashiro and trying to promote him above himself. Thus attempted to destroy the group, frame Yashiro for assassinating two execs, and jump ships to the Gouda group. Luckily, his evil plans failed. He was disposed of as you would do in the yakuza world.

Currently on Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai;
We rejoin our heroes 4 years later -
Both the Shinseikai and Matsubara branches Have been disbanded. Ryuuzaki is currently serving his time in prison. Our original group of misfits is currently running a very legitimate shady casino business. Yashiro still uses Detective macho dumbass - exchanging information for sex. It also seems Yashiro’s right eye has been damaged after his fight with Hirata. Currently Yashiro is holding onto an ugly and loud exotic bird as collateral for Shouya Kido, a former Matsubara member.

Doumeki is currently serving the Sakura family under the Sanwakai group. This was achieved with the help of Amou, 007 style. The group is run by it’s leader Tsunakawa, with his right hand man Muraji. Tsunakawa’s daugther Niki likes our Doumeki and thinks of him as a giant puppy (as one should when seeing him). Doumeki saved Niki who was kidnapped by Okuyama, a former member who decided to branch out from the group with his own new brand, now rival to Tsunakawa. Underlings include: Masa, Shinji - was in a hit-and-run while trying to collect a debt from Yamakawa and Shouya Kido (Yamakwa’s manipulator I suppose). Kamiya another underling - is Doumeki’s current partner on debt collecting adventures, suspects Doumeki might bat for the other team. Our sweet Doumeki has clearly become even more taciturn. But he still keeps tabs on Yashiro’s whereabouts and dealings.

They will very soon meet again as both are searching for the same person (Shouya Kido), but thus far it seems only Doumeki is aware of their eminent reunion. Both have now visited the pet shop owner and exotic animal smuggler, while Yashiro set free the animals, Doumeki who came a little later offered to help in the apprehension of the wild animals in exchange for information.

* Doushinkai
Head - Misumi
Right hand man - Amou

* Shinseikai - No longer operational
Leader - Hirata (DEAD)
2nd - Yashiro
Body guard - Doumeki
Underlings - Sugimoto , Nanahara

* Matsubara - No longer operational
Leader - Ryuuzaki (PRISON)
Underling - Shouya Kido (former member)

Kageyama - Doctor, Yashiro’s childhood friend. Koga - Kageyama’s boyfriend.

* Sanwakai
Sakura Family
Head - Tsunakawa
Right hand man - Muraji
Traitor - Okuyama
Daugther - Niki
Underlings - Masa, Shinji, Kamiya (currently Doumeki’s partner)
2020-02-12 05:40 marked

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