It would be so sad if JaeHa was one of the 8 people Yoseob killed :'( I'm gonna cry. Like, poor Yoseob, he's been through so much. I think the other "Yoseob" (the one from his imagination) is a way for him to cope with everything that has happened to him. Of course both Yoseobs don't know what love really is, he has a wrong concept about love in general, and about what "like" is. He also have problem trusting someone else, other than himself. That's why he's doubting about Jae Ha. But we can see how geniunly Jaeha and his family wanted to help him.

Hi, guys. This is the translator. I said that I would stop translating if Lezhin releases the official english translations and this finally happened. It's here:
So, I'm going to stop translating. I'm sorry, I've gone this far already, but I don't want any problems (as you know, is a pain in the ass when it comes to translating Lezhin's licensed comics). So, yeah. Again, I'm sorry, guys. Thank you for reading.

Here's a side note on my blog, you can also contact my by my tumblr

Thank you so much for the hard work till now! and for introducing us to this amazing manhwa

Lezhin is being unfair to authors and people who pay, they are ripping authors off and you still support them? They might go out of business or lose a lot of authors, I don't think you should even link the page of an unfair website who is ripping people off. I think you should keep translating the chapters into English because many people don't want to go on Lezhin because of the drama going on, I'm surprised you don't know this.

That's why some artists quit their jobs and are now working full time on their webtoon. They've also been asking people to buy their work instead of going to websites like these. It's all because they aren't paying them money. Wow. Much logic.

man you sound like an entitled brat, it's the translators choice and there are a lot of prob translating Lezhin manhwa

As I stated on my side notes, I know that it has some issues going on with Lezhin and their authors (and I really hope this issue can be sorted out, so it can be fair for the authors). It's your choice to buy it from Lezhin or not. But me, as a translator, decided to stop working on this project, because I want to avoid legal problems, and I also want to avoid this kind of controversial things, so I'm going to stay out of this.

Who the hell are you to say that just because you are too cheap to spend cents on a chapter you are putting the translator down for their decision fuck off

Thank you translator for saving us so much money with these I will continue to support the author in their respected website lezhin has made a few policies for new authors so I hope they work well.

How about you shut up? They weren't acting like a brat they were only telling the translator that I guess they didn't know that Lezhin was ripping off the authors and I'm also surprised they don't know ether, they weren't lying what they said was true! A lot of the authors are even suing Lezhin. They weren't even saying they can't pay for it they were just letting them know asshole! No need to be a bitch about it -_-

Guys, I know that some of you are worried about Lezhin issues with authors. I'm not telling you to buy or not buy from Lezhin, that's you to decide whether to buy ro not knowing what has happened. (Some of the readers are still buying from Lezhin anyway, you can see it by how they still updates other manhwas here from Lezhin).
Whether I keep translating this or not, you and me would have to buy the raws from Lezhin. I buy the chinese version but I was also buying Lezhin's korean raw because the korean raws are uncensored. So either way, is buying from Lezhin.
I'm also sad about the issues going on with Lezhin and I'm hoping from the bottom of my heart that it can be sorted out, so they can treat the artist as they deserve.
Besides, this issue may not affect this author (a paramour's author. I'm not sure, tho). But as I know, this comic isn't originally published by Lezhin, there are others, like bomtoon. And the original producer is a company named "U-Jewel media". Lezhin, as well as kuaikanmanhua are making contracts with U-Jewel media to publish "A paramour" and not with the author directly.
And please, understand that I'm doing this because I want to avoid some problems while translating licensed comics. I'm not the only translator that have done this. I'm sure most of you already know. Moreover, that's a decision I've made since I started translating "A paramour", before all this controversial issues with Lezhin Company. And even if "A paramour" were published by other company, I would've done the same.
Thank you for reading, and for understanding. And I'm very sorry that I have to stop translating this. I don't want to start a fight or whatever, so yeah. Hope you can understand.
It was a pleasant experience translating (this is the first comic I translated to English, although I'm translating to other language). But I have to say, I don't think I might translate to english anymore.
If you have further questions, you can message me directly.

What the fuck?! They weren't even talking about spending cents a chapter asshole! They said that they shouldn't link Lezhin because they are being total assholes to authors and people who pay for the chapters, I don't want to see anybody else getting ribbed off ether so there just trying to warn people to not go on Lezhin. I really feel sad for the author if they don't know this and might be ripped off too, Lezhin should go out of business and the authors should go on a different website for there Manhwa because what Lezhin is doing to them is unfair. A bunch of jerks don't deserve to run a website.

It's ok, will just wait for another translator to translate the rest of the chapters in English and put it on here. I don't have a card so I can't pay and I don't want my parents to know I read BL because they might think I'm weird, if nobody else will translate the rest of the chapters here then I'm going to look for them on other sites.

I wish we knew why you don't want to translate in English anymore, I'm just curious to why.

Are you dumb? They said they were curious why they didn't want to translate in English anymore. Go read right next time.

First of all, english isn't my first language. I know that translating to english is a way for me to improve my english. I'm sure you can get a better quality translations from others translators because of this.
At first I wasn't planning on translating A Paramour to english, but I decided to do so because someone with malicious intentions stole my chinese to spanish translations and re-translated the first episode of this comic, so that they can ask for profit. Seeing that, I decided to translate this to english, cause what they were doing wasn't right (asking for money). Also, I'm currently translating 7 comics to spanish x.x so I don't have time to translate to english.

Ignore the the hating bitch they all got the same IP Address meaning they are the same person IMAO defending themselves

Aquí puedes leer "Amante Masculino": http://mang.as/manga/a-paramour actualmente va más atrasadito, porque la persona que edita se encuentra ocupada. Si quieres leer otras de mis traducciones aparte de este manhwa, mensajéame (:

thank you for translating until now .. for the rest of the chapters we will just wait for lezhin to catch up then i will buy the chapters and upload here and translator .. sweetie i understand very well nobody wants leagal trouble it's a pain and scary thing .. anyway goodluck and best wishes for future.. and ignore those fake bitches.

I hope Taeoh gets to apologize to Jaeha before it's too late, and I hope he sort things out with his brother. He's kinda frustrating for being like that, even though he knows that he misunderstood all of them.
And OMG, Yoseob clearly has a trauma and is feeling guilty of something, maybe he did hurt his mom or even end up killing her out of defence?
As I translator, I can tell just how much effort you had put on translating this manga and sharing this to us. It's very much appreciated, so don't be discouraged by any bad comments because they don't know how much work one has to do while scanlating a project. You did a great job! This was very enjoyable to read for me. Thank you for working on this manga and bringing it to us!
As a translator* Dx