So sad it didn’t tie up all the loose ends and questions before ending ;v;
Things that would have happened if it continued from what I remember…
- Ray attends the academy where Chirac is and finds out he has a nephew, Azeroth. Levnoad’s nephew.
- Ray, Jiskar, and people go to Strass for peace talk or something?
- Edrich, his brother, is current emperor of Strass. He is crazy. Mean to all but when he is nice and sweet to Ray. Figured out Ray is Levnoad or at least his son. Knights and others too since they do look similar and saw Ray’s power.
- Edrich has a knight that looks similar to Levnoad but not close enough so he gets beat and raped by Edrich often.
- Edrich killed his son for because he wants to make way for Ray to become emperor. His father forced him to have heirs so I guess he doesn’t care for any of his kids at all.
- Drugged Ray and tried to sexually assault him. I don’t think it got that far since Jiskar and people came to rescue.
- Fight happens and Jiskar almost died because Ray stopped him from killing Edrich.
- Finds out Duke of Calloway killed Levnoad. His uncle or something?? Emperor never told the public because Calloway isn’t strong but was able to kill Levnoad who was super strong and that’s embarrassing/disgraceful.
- Jiskar finally let go of Ray letting him return to Strass because Ray wants to keep going back to Strass. Jiskar doesn’t want to hold him back or something. Because he let him go Ray likes him now.
- When Ray returned to his empire he is going to become emperor and uses Edrich just for his position. Doesn’t forgive him.
- I think Ray is trying to kill all the princes that is in his way to become emperor.
- Chirac was really sad Azeroth was killed. Ray spared Azeroth’s mom and 2 kids from the purge of the princes.
- Ray meets up Jiskar in a villa to catch up and jump each other. Ray tells him he loves him but then right after that he is getting married to a lady.
- Edrich was sick and finally fell into coma. Ray cries for him even after all that happened.
- Once in a while Ray and Jiskar meet up at the villa to fk and catch up but rarely. Ray now openly initiates intimacy and Jiskar is uncomfortable because he is not used to the change, I guess xD
- Ends similarly to beginning. Ray looking like Levnoad now since he finally aged up and Jiskar that barely aged doing a treaty like the beginning of the story. They love each other but aren’t together together