1) Ive never really felt that sorry for Dohwa. Ive always thought about the whole thing like…it’s just a highschool crush…he’ll get over it or whatever. But then seeing him smile so excitedly at su-ae’s text even after 10 years only to find out she reached out to him for job related/ selfish reasons is making me feel so bad, mad, sad idk aaaaa. The author is making him suffer too much. Please let him have some peace.
2) Go Eunhyuk Go Eunhyuk Go Eunhyuk Go Eunhyuk Go Eunhyuk Go Eunhyuk Go Eunhyuk
This dude has me in a chokehold and i have no idea why. The moment he looked towards su-ae’s side at the restaurant, i had to put my phone down and walk around with my hands over my mouth to process my emotions. He’s older now and sexy and brooding???? Please just give me one chance
I lost is when bumsuke called him Judas. That too right after calling him david