The king had marrying him in mind for 17 years, at that time, he was only 7 years old, and the king was 15. really big age gap there considering they're children, and, the king also taught him some pretty inappropriate stuff, like the holding hands, and the kissing stuff. Although it's not as big as just straight up groping him, it's still very much considerable because he was unaware that it wasn't appropriate for years. And for those who will argue "but he's not that affected by it, he's just ignorant of what's happening" that's exactly why he's affected by it, he's so naive because the king has been grooming him since he was a child. "But if he was groomed, he would cling more!" The king didn't groom him in a way that would make him cling more to him, but to make him completely naive and let the king do inappropriate stuff without his better judgement. This. Is. Grooming. Y'all need media literacy.