Idk what the author is feeding this man right now BUT I LOVE HIS GLOOMY LOOK!! Like it’s so hot seeing him be flustered like that and him trying to hold back. HIS VEINS OMGGGG. I wish I was in her position ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
We got an Oscar lover in the comments. Face it, he’s baaaaad news. GET HIM INES!! EAT HIM UP!
Like god damn he’s actually pretty cute ngl. I wouldn’t mind handing him my first time. If I could find a one night stand like him I wouldn’t mind going all day and night
Did he always have the under eye bag thingy? I haven’t read this in a long while so I’m a bit confused on when the change happened. I got a new device so maybe my old screen was just too small for me to notice it. I also skipped ahead to see baby yi-rim
Okay so like for some reason I knew mom and dad had something they were hiding. But the coma dream was weird for them to go through like, how tf are they all having the same dream, what was in mom’s diary for that accident day, ARE WE JUST FORGETTING ABOUT THE ACCIDENT?? How was dad triggering the coma again? And now HOW TF IS HE DOING IT????? But even still if grandpa didn’t expect much from dad, he never took it out on him cause he still cherished his son in his own way. Also if grandpa had dementia, how in the world did he manage to figure out they were all in a loop? I feel like I read a lot of stuff but it’s being forgotten cause the character themselves are forgetting about it and it’s just all so confusing