Captivated by the graceful prowess of Nari, a Korean archer, Claude embarks on an unconventional que...
- Author: 8garak
- Genres: Webtoons / Josei / Adult / Mature / Smut / Comedy / Romance
Taejin, who was gaslighted and ultimately dumped by the partner he trusted during his idol trainee d...
- Author:
- Genres: Artbook / Comic / Webtoons / Josei / Shoujo / Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Smut / Boys / Romance Artbook Comic Webtoons Webtoons Boys Romance
Kadoya is a resilient, hardworking, and gentle person so, he’s often pushed to do a lot of wor...
- Author: Hiro Haruyoshi
- Genres: Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Smut
[Translated by Mosh Scans] Choi Hyun, an unemployed man living without dreams or motivation, goes f...
- Author: Baebi
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Smut / Drama / Office Workers / Romance Webtoons Drama Webtoons Office Workers Romance
I’ve been reading many comments saying the fashion is not to their liking, I personally thought that I liked it!?!? The blue design he obviously critiqued made sense the colours weren’t cohesive, but the red and black outfit he put on at the store… LORD GOD!! So hot! ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Seo Yoon Seul, who's lived a perfect life so far, becomes a wreck when he starts having nightma...
- Author: Chobom
- Genres: Yaoi / Romance / Slice Of Life / Webtoons / Drama