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moonpie July 20, 2021 1:48 pm

This is ridiculous, I don't hate it, but not a reread for me. As far as all the rape comments go, it literally has a giant warning page at the beginning of chapter one that says WARNING CONTAINS RAPE. If you are so outraged by it, if you hate rape in yaoi, whyyyyy would you read it knowing exactly what you are in for? I don't get it. I hate shota, so when I see a shota tag I nope right out of there, it works, try it.

moonpie May 25, 2021 11:21 am

Sooooo yeah, pedo. I thought the molested person was 17 when it happened and I thought, that's not so bad, but he was the molester, the kid was 10. So yuck. It's a shame because this could have been good if not for that.

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any aro/ace in the chat? 03-10 00:17

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