I would also hate the kid too, cause. No way in hell would I let a kid take away my freedom

I hate the emperor so much that I'm at a loss for words

LapisAzule followed a goer
11 12,2023
LapisAzule created a topic of God Jangsan Tiger

Who came from TikTok?

The first emperor is an asshole to the point i have to side with Anita, i hope she gets revenge one way or another, even in the afterlife

LapisAzule want to do

205 people did   /   248 want to do

I wish i could but my fatass would and will absorb anything edible or not

LapisAzule created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

Reading the last chapters while listening to i wait for you by alex G makes it even sadder

to an all boys school and suddenly there’s a transferred student who have that kind of record, girl I’m out. I’ll literally beg my parents to transfer me to another school no matter what. And how can that school accept such student like that motherfckr. I just want the best for Yeonwoo;( pls author let him rest.

LapisAzule asked question about have an unpopular opinion

There are three genders male, female and Non-binary.

LapisAzule created a topic of Finding Camellia

I don't know if wanna drop it or not

LapisAzule created a topic of The Rib of Adam (Jinmi)

What did I just read? I’m so disturbed.

LapisAzule created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I'm reading this in class trying not to cry (/TДT)/

LapisAzule like the answer
Well that's a quick turn of events.