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By the author of Hatsukoi Zombie...

  • Author: Minenami ryo
  • Genres: Drama / Mystery / Psychological / Romance / Tragedy
mqyonaka followed a list


All mangas will include:



 Opposites Attract 

⚔ Power Bottoms ⚔

 Reviews contain info about the plot and a short 
 explanation about the seme and the uke and their 

 List does not include old/vintage mangas 
 Suggestions are welcome

11 03,2022
mqyonaka answered question about lmao
uhh there are some italian ballads that make me cry every single time I listen to them even though I know them by heart ahahah also, Yorugaakeru from Given really means something to me! It's just like it's my story, I feel so deeply connected to the feelings that it conveys.
mqyonaka answered question about lmao
mqyonaka answered question about lmao
the fuuuckk. rape is always the rapist's fault. so if you ever get raped (and I hope not) it will never be your fault cause you are wearing shorts. don't let fear and shame stop you from being your beautiful self. carry pepper spray if you are worried! but for fuck's sake wear the fuck you want
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