Happy with the time skip and them all grown up but ummm why she still childish? I though she’d mature even a bit. Idk maybe just me
Most female characters in Korea try to look childish. It's actually a big issue about that if you look in perspective of, how the Korean entertainment industry and in fact most Industries try to infantize women.. from having high pitch squeaky voices and wearing girly clothes. But that's another matter, anyway, I think the artist once the audience is still recognize her as the character
Uke is heart broken as he was cheated by his boyfriend since the bf wanted to be socially accepted and got married. So uke said to himself that he will never date a bi man and still only go for full gay men. So he meets a new man and uke asked if he’s full gay and seem said yes. Days or weeks after seme got a call from ex gf about something forgot. Uke asked who that was and seme said his ex gf, they broke up right away
Ooohh we’re gonna see kaiden in his prime!!!!!