At one point in this manwha I was actually thinking "ah.. he is so stupid.." then I saw how Dojin was looking at him.. Hyesung is stupid but if that what makes you happy then you have my blessing son.

Hyesung isn’t ..no...ok...he is a bit ...sigh...to some extend. But actually had he not had that shitty upbringing and being deluded as being an alpha...who knows...he might have ended up a maths Protege. I mean imagine being 5 seeing your mother being beaten up by your dad ...u guess on several occasions seeing her being sold off, whored away by your dad, and then abandoned by your mom, and then having to return to tha fucker because granny died.....that is a shitload if ever I saw one.
Wait... is that... Kim Changhyun?...
They just look a like... kek