Whoa when i first read this, romance being part of the story was never in my head <i mean early chapters are basically about super power dude that take care of a cat over himself ofc romance not in my head> but alright even if there is i dont mind romance here as long as it ain't incest, gay, or stupid harem. Some harem in action gives me headache because sometimes the story made it too focus on the harem not the action. But honestly <at least for now> i can't imagine ji woo being with anyone i jus can't
edit : Bruh for the last time it is my personal preference in story. i do not enjoy incest/harem/gay relationship in story since I cant relate to those three as deep as i can to non blood related-monogamy-hetero romance in stories. i have nothing against incest/harem/gay community or incest/harem/gay relationship in real world/real life, their relationship not even my business (except the incest having baby part i'll feel bad for incest producted child but thats it other than that i got none to complain about). Y'all in the replies reaching, chill