orionandthestars August 17, 2020 12:37 pm

i accidentally liked Crymermaids comment about jihyun and how he aint 'that bad' and let me TELL YOU I DO NOT AGREE. what jihyun did was unforgivable, he knew what he was doing when he was hurting chinwoo, he raped him and abused him. i know people who have gone through severe abuse and trauma and they know how to treat other people. they know abuse is wrong and abusing a person is wrong. im not gonna be an abuse apologist. the fact anyone is is scary, idc if its fictional, people translate how they feel in real life to fiction. if youre digsusted and horrified by abuse, you would never be able to ship an abuser with an abuse victim. it makes me feel sick thinking it. or even try and justify the abusers actions. fiction reflects and has an effect on real life thinking. if kids see loads of fiction where toxic relationsips are normalised, then they will normalise it and it will translate to real life. ive seen the effects, some young people, some of my friends honestly do not realise they are in abusive relationships because of things seen in media, like men being pushy about sex or relationships even when someone rejcts advanaces. anyways, peace out and hate jihyun.

rebuilt February 1, 2020 3:11 am

I loved this story! It was anazing- so good!

rebuilt January 25, 2020 9:21 am

Is anyone else annoyed by the Hero? I dont know, he pisses me off.

rebuilt January 25, 2020 8:21 am

uhhhhh this romanticizes rape? That’s fucking disgusting. Just put a warning for rape- you don’t need to try and make us feel bad for not thinking that’s ok.

    rebuilt November 28, 2019 7:07 pm


    Yesimafujoshibish January 22, 2020 4:57 am

    Lmao there is just scroll down and look at the tags

    rebuilt January 25, 2020 8:20 am
    Lmao there is just scroll down and look at the tags Yesimafujoshibish

    ?? I know there is a warning- I'm saying the way they make you feel like we're in the wrong for not liking that is shitty? Romatizing rape is a gross thing- you just put in a normal warning of rape and move on. Seeing shit like that would be a huge trigger for many people- seeing things like that could literally trigger flashbacks of their own experiences of rape. Also they say they ROMATICIZE it- very different to just putting in rape in a story of manga. Honestly, it already shows that the manga is shitty- a consensual and happy relationship cant be based off of rape. That's not how it works. Abuse and abusive,toxic relationships work like that though.

    rebuilt January 25, 2020 8:27 am

    People get to the stage in their life when they're romaticizing a serious crime that destroys lives and they're like insulting of people who don't agree with it? It's just actually amazing. There's no way that it's okay that they're romaticizing it- that's the fucking worst thing. Put it in, okay that's fine, romaticize it? Ew.

    Emerald15 March 7, 2020 5:44 pm
    ?? I know there is a warning- I'm saying the way they make you feel like we're in the wrong for not liking that is shitty? Romatizing rape is a gross thing- you just put in a normal warning of rape and move on.... rebuilt

    No one is saying that you should feel bad for not liking or even hating stories that romanticize rape. Most people probably read this manga for the sake of the smut, not exactly because they're after the rape. No one is actually going to commit or enjoys being raped after reading this manga. The reason that the warning is like that is because there are people like you that still shits on the manga and shits on the people that read and enjoy it even though it CLEARLY states and even tagged as rape

    rebuilt March 11, 2020 7:18 am
    No one is saying that you should feel bad for not liking or even hating stories that romanticize rape. Most people probably read this manga for the sake of the smut, not exactly because they're after the rape. ... Emerald15

    Actually I think my initial problem with it was how aggressive they were about someone not liking the rape in it. They were like 'there's a door take a hike' or something like that and it just makes someone feel bad or in the wrong if they're not okay with it. Yeah, you're right- people are there for the smut but smut should be consensual and showing consensual relationships- not non-con in a positive light. Imo, it's always fucked up whether its tagged or not. Putting rape in your story is chill, portraying it in a positive way is not. That shit really can affect people- not only the ones who have been sexually assaulted (of which there are many) but people reading it- especially young viewers- who start to normalize some aspect of the characters behaviour in this relationship and so when seeing it in their relationship- think it's okay or normal. The tag is good and better than most but why do they feel the need to be aggressive about it? Also just outside of anything- romaticizing rape is never okay. Never. It's not tagged as 'rape' its tagged as 'romaticzing rape' - there is a difference.

    rebuilt March 28, 2020 5:22 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Ocean

    lmaooo thats rude and shows you don't have a good argument if you have to resort to dumb ass insults like that XDD. Its not a 'shitty' comment- its a genuine problem. Why would I care if people don't care about what i have to say? lmao ill still say it idc :) for one- there are yaoi mangas out there that don't show rape as a chill thing and i read those mostly- just because my comment won't stop the author, doesn't mean i go and let it just happen and be a bystander. I already stated my problem with the warning but clearly, you have nothing constructive to say because you're repeating yourself. People shouldn't have to stop reading something because others like to romanticise rape in it- though that is a deeper issue that will take ages to stop. anyway, thanks for showing me that people who think like you have nothing to defend their viewpoint but insulting the other person. If people don't care so much- why are you even replying- surely you don't care too? bye xxx

    rebuilt March 28, 2020 5:24 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Ocean

    sorry you're not the person from before- thought you were. lmao all of you have nothing good to say.

    rebuilt March 28, 2020 8:43 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Ocean

    Sure you can be rude. Noone will listen to what you say though XD Everyone hates rape? Wtf? I read the ones that DONT have rape- if you read my comment, you would know that. Two, I already stated my problem with the warning- it was strangely aggressive and seemed to be accusing the person if they didnt like the fact people were romaticizing rape. I also said it was better than most, that dont put any warning- maybe if you had read my comments properly, you would also know that. 'You're stupid'LMAOOO! It is a genuine peoblem- it does have an effect on readers. It's an extremely inaccurate portrayal of rape and rape victims and is disrespectful to the millions of rape victims out there- artists have a responsibility to portray people and situations in the right way if they are projecting this work to hundreds of thousands of people ,if not more, which in many cases with yaoi- there are that many people. Look I understand you think that isnt going to make an effect but I think speaking up for what you believe is the first step in people making an effect- if people didnt initially speak up- there would never be any change. If you disagree, that's cool, go about your day disagreeing, I dont mind. I reserve the right to state my opinion, just like you reserve your right to be rude. I'm not reading yaoi with rape- is my whole point. Also how would you like it if I told you to 'shut the fuck up' lmao you wouldnt like it would you? Them why are saying it? You're just making your viewpoint look ridiculous and undesirable to others as you're insulting and rude and people wouldn't want to be associated with that. Also I made a comment, it was the others who started the argument. I don't know about you, but I'm not the type of person who follows the advice of someone who insults me and is uninformed on what I think. I'm not offended or upset by you, I kind of pity you to think this is the lengths you go to make the other person feel like their argument isnt good and yours is correct.

rebuilt August 22, 2019 5:28 am

The amount of fucking stupidity here is amazing like apparently fucking COMMUNICATING like normal people has gone out the window. Now all we do is make crazy assumptions and jump to conclusions- great.

    wirt August 25, 2019 12:25 am

    i dont think its stupidity, i think its the overthinking and doubting of intentions that leads to miscommunication. when a person likes someone they rarely just open up and tell them, they wanna make sure the feelings are mutual so that they dont get rejected. liking someone is an uncomfortable place to be when you are unsure of the other persons feelings and being unsure often leads to assumptions an doubt. its very realistic to me. there have been plenty of situations that both have seen to make them doubt the other and so both are afraid of exposing their feelings cuz they dont wanna be hurt. i think this has been really well done and is very in line with how normal people would think/react, and whats a manga without a little drama?

rebuilt August 10, 2019 3:09 am

This is an interesting look on human behaviour but none of those are healthy relationships. It’s very uncomfortable to read and its pretty horrible- they’re so cruel to each other it’s sad to watch.

rebuilt August 2, 2019 2:09 am

I really liked the Uke- that’s what kept me going with the story- i didn’t really like hachi because he had a lowkey shitty personality (or maybe not lowkey lol) and I don’t understand how the uke could fall in love with him? Or even like him to be honest but lol oh well- I mean the seme is hot as hell tho

shoshi_kid June 29, 2019 3:45 am

This was really fucked up. The rape scenes and shit was just so horrific. You can write that shit in stories- that’s fine- but you cannot base a love story on it. People do not fall in love with their rapist- rape is something that affects every victim in a terribly way and has lasting effects that take time, care and help to finally subside or lessen. Sure, the uke can get Stockholm syndrome but there will never be love there.

    YaoiGirl June 30, 2019 10:20 am

    You might want to stop reading Yaoi ( ̄へ ̄)
    And it's called Stockholm syndrome

    shoshi_kid July 4, 2019 7:02 am
    You might want to stop reading Yaoi ( ̄へ ̄)And it's called Stockholm syndrome YaoiGirl

    ?? That’s what I said? Lol I’m used there being sexual assault in yaoi but this is still going too far to base a relationship on. I’ve been reading it for years.

    TheYaoiEnthusiast July 13, 2019 3:55 am

    This garbage is not what yaoi is about. Yaoi is about pure love not rape chapter after chapter like bloody hell. Why did I read this?

    rebuilt August 19, 2019 7:28 am

    Completely agree! This was no relationship- this was just continuously rape- no love. EW.

shoshi_kid August 29, 2017 6:56 pm

This was fucking stupid and crazy. Look I don't have a problem with people putting rape in their mangas or whatever. But... To disrespect rape victims by not even bothering to search up what that kind of trauma does to you is disgusting. There weren't even that many warnings about there being rape. Someone could have got seriously upset by stupid shit like this. It wasn't even that funny. It was beautifully drawn though

    Sneha October 21, 2017 11:39 pm

    Actually the original magazine in which it was published had clear warnings. Proper foreword and shit, but this.......well.........

    narumaki October 21, 2017 11:44 pm

    like they would give you a warning. this website is illegal and could give one shit about anyone here. lets not forget that the top of the summary literally says
    "The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised." its not their fault if you didn't read the warning or choose to ignore it.

    narumaki October 21, 2017 11:46 pm
    Actually the original magazine in which it was published had clear warnings. Proper foreword and shit, but this.......well......... Sneha

    bro this website is illegal. they could care less. the scan group doesn't need to put a warning because they don't owe anyone anything. the magazine is legal and is published for people to buy, they're going to give a warning.

    Sneha October 21, 2017 11:57 pm
    bro this website is illegal. they could care less. the scan group doesn't need to put a warning because they don't owe anyone anything. the magazine is legal and is published for people to buy, they're going to... narumaki

    I do understand that, but then there is also this issue that international readers want to read it and almost 90% of it is never translated into English. But yes, you are correct, this should provide some form of profit to the original mangaka.

    narumaki October 22, 2017 4:04 am
    I do understand that, but then there is also this issue that international readers want to read it and almost 90% of it is never translated into English. But yes, you are correct, this should provide some form ... Sneha

    nah, mangago is sorely here for the moderators gains. thats why there are so much complaints about ads and whatnot. they could care less if mangakas receive some of the profits the earn, which is probably a lot considering all the users here. i mean theres a reason this site is illegal. so it doesn't matter what they post up here or what the users do on the site, as long as their pockets get filled.

    Anonymous January 18, 2018 2:59 pm
    like they would give you a warning. this website is illegal and could give one shit about anyone here. lets not forget that the top of the summary literally says "The following content is intended for mature au... narumaki

    The warning means only rape, now? Wow, I didn't know gore also meant rape?

    Also, mangago doesn't profit off of anyone. Lezhin certainly profits off of their authors. And the ads are the reason why I don't gonto LEZHIN. Weird, huh?

    Anonymous January 18, 2018 3:52 pm
    The warning means only rape, now? Wow, I didn't know gore also meant rape? Also, mangago doesn't profit off of anyone. Lezhin certainly profits off of their authors. And the ads are the reason why I don't gonto... @Anonymous

    Warning and gore don't mean rape but "violence" and "sexual themes" part of "The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language." does mean.

    narumaki January 19, 2018 2:17 am
    The warning means only rape, now? Wow, I didn't know gore also meant rape? Also, mangago doesn't profit off of anyone. Lezhin certainly profits off of their authors. And the ads are the reason why I don't gonto... @Anonymous

    get yourself educated idiot. if you think mangago doesn't make profit, then i dont know if i should call you stupid or naive.

shoshi_kid August 20, 2017 6:55 pm

oh mi Lordy lord I love this so pls pls update ughhhhh

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