So I read the first season and decided to wait for the entire series to end to catch up. Is this the last season or will there be another ? I thought another series I waited for was done but when I got to the end it had another season coming even though it said "the end" so if someone could tell me I would be thankful!

So do you read King's Maker and then this one after? Or can you just jump to this one?

Kings maker has no smut in seasons 2&3 while this one does so it’s really just up to preference. Season 1 has no smut regardless. This one is also still ongoing while kings maker is completed. I personally would read everything uploaded here and then finish the rest of season three by switching to kings maker

I think what makes this story so unlikable is how obtuse the bottom is, like this has gotta have one of the most aggressive and brutal rape scenes I've seen in a while yet this dumbass only questions whether he's gay or not? Like don't pmo. This is hentai so I'm not gonna bitch and moan about it being rapey and shit(this is very clearly a kink forward and sex driven story), it's really just how stupid the bottom is and how irredeemable the top is that irks me. The zrts good though so there's that.

I just wanna start off by saying this has to be the most emotionally draining reads I've read in a very long time.
I initally enjoyed their high-school love, and the ups and downs that came with it, but nothing could have prepared me for the shit that would take place in this story. Min Ji wook had a bad case of inferiority complex, (and as we know in mahwha, if you hate yourself, you must make it your goal in life to make every bad decision possible.
When shit is this ridiculous you can't do anything but laugh, I mean, there aren't words to describe how fucked up this is. Lollll. I'm scared of the kinda person who gets off on shit like this, yall need to be on somebody's watch list. Good art though