Bad luck every time..
That escalated fast loool
Just wow!
I really hope he didn’t do anything…
Ew go away, you creep! Wow I hope you get caught!But he really took the cup and straw home..
Reporter makes sense, but he’s still a creep..
What a bitch like shut up! At least someone is helping him!
Seems sketchy to me..
Say something!
Damn.. Seeing that side story and the end was just crazy loool
He’s slowly going crazy.. Communicate, it might help.. Maybe.
Jaekyung…. so dumb and you’re gonna keep feeling like shit…
Jaekyung…. you’re so dumb man!
Could have given him a warning cause of course he’d find out!
Don’t tell me you really are a stalker? Leave them alone…
Damn he’s so mean…. But also like what to expect, still hurt tho.