F*/k! key your so harsh and full of yourself, you think u know everything. It's you who constantly bring down the MC's self esteem, you also made fugly comments and ruin that oppurtunity for writing that script. You ain't even a big star! you have a very awful mouth
How could the MC like you. Incredible! Im annoyed. Im only at chap 15 and im dropping this. bye moron! thanks i'll be sleeping pissed off tonight.
Whoa!! So it was her i have read the other manga that she wrote before. "My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness" Also, 3 yrs ago, when i was sexually confused&,depressed and was suffering from Anorexia nervosa. That manga hit me to the core, it was amazing that's why I really adore this author. I even still remember that line on the manga. "Anxiety is like having a glass of water on top of your head,not being allowed to spill even a little"
Daaamnnn i feel like crying now.
Do you feel better now?
This mangaka's work is way beyond all the adventures and love stories of the others, I get why it touched you. If she really helped you, you should write her and tell her... I bet she would love to hear about it!
Yes thanks i am better now, but i cant say my depression's completely gone.I feel like a zombie,and these days im having hard time sleeping. I did sent the author a dm in twitter but i guess, shes pretty much busy to pay attention but still, im thankful. its more than enough to tell her how i feel. Wish she can write more
Whats your name? Where are u from?
I'm from Belgium, I'm an old mangaka myself, or to be exact, a maker of "BD", which is short for "bande dessinée". Belgian comics known in the world are Tintin, the Smurfs, Lucky Luke.
To get in contact with the sensei for real (I don't think Twitter is the right way), you might go via the publisher. They take good care of their artists, so anything that would make them feel good, like letters from far away readers thanking them for the confort their work brought them, they are sure to let them know!
I know I would love it, although there is little chance of that, since my stories are mainly seinen, and little boys never write letters... :-(
Are you young? How come you got yourself a depression?
as Cyrano stated getting in touch with the editor or publisher for this author would be the best route . as the parent of young members of the lgbtq+ community as well as somebody who has dealt with anxiety and depression for many years all i can say is surround yourself with good people people that understand you at least on some deeper level than just your normal not so close friends . depression is one of those things in life that at the end of the day you and you alone are the only person who can change it however coming from the same place myself i can tell you that the best way to get yourself out of a depressive state is to get out and DO something that you normally would not ever think you could do just to show YOURSELF that YES you can do this . keep in mind for me depression is a bit of a normal thing due to the simple fact that i have multiple sclerosis . all in all just keep on being your awesome self and do not let depression win