Aki-chan's feed

Aki-chan created a topic of 16647

Sooo I'm gonna share some information. Ephebophilia is actually the right word to use, not pedophilia. Ephebophilia is used only to describe the preference for mid-to-late adolescent (Ages 15-19) sexual partners, not the mere presence of some level of sexual attraction.Generally, the preference is not regarded by psychologists as a pathology, as long as it does not interfere with other major areas of one's life. Being ephebophilic is not a crime, but the actions you do. So when you act on that desire, it becomes a crime.
This right here is frxiking crime bcs he confined him, threatened him, had seggs w him. MC might have said that it's ok bcs he doesn't care what will happen to his life, MC is far from thinking what is right or wrong now bcs of what he's going through, and the fact that he doesn't go outside as much compared to what adolescents would do, plus he doesn't have guardians that would constantly guide him in his life. Just teachers, nothing more. And he's been bullied every time. This fcked up
grown up man took advantage of his situation honestly... But that's my opinion. Just read it and turn off your brain while reading. Art is super nice though. (⌒▽⌒)