I'm just a huge fujoshi!!!!!!
This is such a great manga. It's one of the very few to make me feel these wide variety of emotions. I really enjoy the relationship between Richard and Buckingham. But I have a feeling that it won't end well.
I hate everybody in this story except the omega. Haruki just plain annoyed me towards the end. He honestly should have stood his ground against the Alpha and not accepted his behavior. Every time they are in the same scene together. Im like "RUN BITCH RUN!"
It irks me that rape is so normalized in this. This is one of the most if not the most toxic relationship Ive ever read. Why the fuck does the omega let Kieth get away with this behavior? The Omega should've just left Kieths abusive ass at that Island of his to rot. This should not be in the romance genre. Move it to the horror genre instead since it suits it better. This story makes Fifty Shades of Gray and 365 days look tame.
I like psychological yaoi and yuri shit. Im also a fan of horror and comedy.