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NoNameKira May 24, 2021 6:15 pm

TAKE CHAPTER 3/4 SHUTLINE DOWN! It is REALLY disrespectful towards our team and our efforts.!!

melly May 24, 2021 5:50 pm

take it down

NoNameKira May 24, 2021 6:08 pm

Take it down immediately. We‘re not working our asses off for you to be DISRESPECTING our work like this. THESE ARE SIMPLE TRANSLATOR GUIDELINES TO NOT UPLOAD ON TOP OF OTHERS!!!

setothepotato May 24, 2021 7:31 pm
Take it down immediately. We‘re not working our asses off for you to be DISRESPECTING our work like this. THESE ARE SIMPLE TRANSLATOR GUIDELINES TO NOT UPLOAD ON TOP OF OTHERS!!! NoNameKira

Hello, the guidelines says "don't upload the translation is already exists" so since the chapters didn't exist I didn't mind updating it. Probably the website wouldn't approve it too, however I can delete them of course :D:D

melly May 24, 2021 7:37 pm
Hello, the guidelines says "don't upload the translation is already exists" so since the chapters didn't exist I didn't mind updating it. Probably the website wouldn't approve it too, however I can delete them ... setothepotato

You are being childish. Theres a whole team working on chapter the chapters. We ask you to delete your uploads thank you.

NoNameKira May 24, 2021 7:45 pm
Hello, the guidelines says "don't upload the translation is already exists" so since the chapters didn't exist I didn't mind updating it. Probably the website wouldn't approve it too, however I can delete them ... setothepotato

You’re right, it’s not in the guidelines cause they’re expecting people to be decent enough to respect other peoples work. If you want me to link down a page where you can reread the basic moral guidelines I can do so . :)

setothepotato May 24, 2021 7:59 pm
You are being childish. Theres a whole team working on chapter the chapters. We ask you to delete your uploads thank you. melly

Well what I am saying is it wasn't prohibited by the website's guidelines as you said so anyone can actually update it if they wanted to as far as I understand. Stating facts is not being childish. i am too old for that anyways. It's not like I am trying to be passive aggressive or anything, I am just explaining myself. You say you want to be the only one to continue as a team in mangago, I respected that and deleted them. It was a 2-3 hours of works anyways. And you are welcome. Good luck with the series. :)

setothepotato May 24, 2021 8:08 pm
You’re right, it’s not in the guidelines cause they’re expecting people to be decent enough to respect other peoples work. If you want me to link down a page where you can reread the basic moral guideline... NoNameKira

well if it wasn't a website open to everyone's contribution, then you could be right. But since it isn't I'll pass your offer Kira, thank you. :D

NoNameKira May 24, 2021 9:36 pm
Well what I am saying is it wasn't prohibited by the website's guidelines as you said so anyone can actually update it if they wanted to as far as I understand. Stating facts is not being childish. i am too old... setothepotato

Thank you for deleting it, and apparently it you know how much time it takes to translate so you should be able to understand us.

melly May 25, 2021 7:05 am
Well what I am saying is it wasn't prohibited by the website's guidelines as you said so anyone can actually update it if they wanted to as far as I understand. Stating facts is not being childish. i am too old... setothepotato

It LOOKED like a 2-3 hours of work :)

setothepotato May 24, 2021 3:13 pm

Hehe yer welcome (๑❛ᴗ❛๑)

Love May 24, 2021 2:27 pm

Thank you so much for uploading chapter 3ヾ(☆▽☆)

NoNameKira May 24, 2021 6:07 pm

No no thank you, this person uploaded over US. We are sitting here WORKING OUR ASSES OFF for someone to DISRESPECT our work. !!

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