Omg this episode was insane there’s so many layers !!! And it’s like all connecting omg like even in chapter 6 the doctor mentioned that seo in’s mom had anxiety I wonder if the doctor knew what went down with the brother cuz she also recognized yeongwoon. And now we know what seo in thought in his head two chapters ago with the blurred text !!! Wow he’s suppressed his feelings for yeongwoon so hard!! in many of his past inner monologues he mentioned like testing how far he could go with yeongwoon and how much yeongwoon could take but seo in is simply in love with him and was using that as a mindset to deter himself from his feelings (not justifying any of seo in’s actions ofc). But seeing how much his demeanor changed when he finally saw a glimpse of what yeongwoon was going through the past few years, I have hopes in how he will react and treat yeongwoon once he has the whole truth. I wonder if we will even see him get very emotional like angry or sad bc we haven’t really seen like very expressive emotions from seo in yet. And the mom omg tea I didn’t even think she would be involved but ofc she would pay off the brother’s bullying incident. I wonder if that’s what first triggered her anxiety (her guilt) or if it was the brother’s death. I wonder what she was going to say to yeongwoon too like why did she call out for him. And I wonder if yeongwoon recognized her, he did say “um … are you-“ but maybe he was gonna ask if she was okay idk. But this makes me soooooo sad for yeongwoon omg his crush’s brother bullied him, his crush’s mom paid his awful dad to keep quiet about the bullying, and he’s still going through so much pls he needs a break. There’s so much trauma for yeongwoon associated with seo in’s family and he unfortunately has to face that bc he likes seo in and it doesn’t help that seo in is completely in the dark with all of this. I wonder if the brother bullied yeongwoon the entire time (not physically bc seo in never saw him with bruises) and it turned physical once seo in left, or if it started once sep in left. And omg we knew hae-yool was coming back and he knows seo-in’s weakness (yeongwoon). And ofc yeongwoon left his phone LOL so he doesn’t know the chaos unfolding and I kinda love how seo in went in the hospital but didn’t even mention the article idk small detail. Lowkey everything is coming together and makes sense to me :D except I still don’t know why the brother kissed seo in, I’m sure it was to make yeongwoon feel awful but still I’m so curious. I also wonder how Taegu is gonna tie into this bc he knows what yeongwoon has been through these ten years but idk if he knows about the bullying and how seo in’s family ties into that. Omg sorry word vomit there’s so much on my mind. But I see a lot of comments confused by the plot and if you guys have time and/or are interested, I encourage you to reread it !!! I don’t even read/like toxic stories (I typically avoid them) but I keep rereading chapters of this bc I think the storyline is so intriguing !!! the author does a great job of uncovering new truths to us and to the characters !!!