MeganeCho created a topic of Yours to Claim

We get two, really 1.5, Cain chapters, that don't really properly give closure to Cain's story (like what he's just going to be forever with his unrequited love for Jooin????), only to then get a jumpscare of Yahwi and Jooin as the final chapter. I actually thought that the last Cain chapters were meant to lead up to something, but that was the blandest, most low effort shit ending that I've ever read for a character that genuinely deserved so much more.

Considering the entire story as a whole, this thing has ended up being the biggest waste of my time. Years of caring about Cain and Jooin, feeling bad for Jooin very often since Yahwi treated him badly so much, waiting for the story to come out of hiatus, only to discover at the very end how glaringly obvious it is that the author actually doesn't give a fuck about Cain, or consent, or genuine romance, and how Cain most likely never really mattered to the author, or the story - not even really to Jooin either, since the author made Jooin lead him on the entire time, only to reject him for the guy that Cain spent the entire story trying to protect him from and I don't appreciate this shit at all. They should have never had Cain in this story if he never had a chance in the first place, so why was he involved at all.

It disgusts me that, compared to Yahwi, Cain seems to matter so little to the author, the one that literally created him, in the end. Cain doesn't deserve to just be written off as some guy that'll seemingly always be in an unrequited love with Jooin. I guess on the bright side, now that I've seen what kind of dogshit ending this thing has, thank God that it's over. I'm deleting this triggering, aggravating, weirdly written shit from memory. Good riddance. What a fucking joke.

MeganeCho created a topic of Yours to Claim

I was wondering why people were saying their eyes were sweating and I totally get it now, this chapter had me on an emotional rollercoaster lol. Also starting to love how the last few chapters are Cain focused, I always loved how the artist drew him, and seeing Cain and his brothers dynamic was great too. :D

MeganeCho created a topic of Yours to Claim

Skipped, ignored, disregarded. Anyways, thank God for good news in the comments, can't wait for Cain's part of the ending! He really deserves a happy ending honestly. Here's to hoping it's a well-written, alternative ending with Jooin.

MeganeCho created a topic of Yours to Claim

That was beautifully written. I love how Cain and Jooin are actual soulmates, they're so perfect for each other. Also Cain is literally so sweet omg

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Nothing crazy ever happens to Jooin. He’s just your average college student, keeping his head ...

  • Author: WAJE, ZZIN-BAM
  • Genres: Yaoi / Drama / Webtoons / Comedy / Romance / School Life / Supernatural
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At this point, it's like the author's unknowingly trying to nonchalantly induce Stockholm syndrome into Jooin and gaslight readers into believing that Yahwi is a character that doesn't deserve to be disliked, like this is some brand new storyline and the past story doesn't exist, even though it does and lines have been crossed many times. The fact that we've seen this ugly hoe Yawhi so much in the latest chapters is honestly making me start to think that the author is trying to romanticise and attempt to justify Yahwi's abusive gross behavior, which there is no justifying it in his case because he admitted TO Jooin that he knew exactly what he was doing the entire time!

I wish the author would just create a new story or side story for Yahwi to find real love with someone else (like maybe that one friend of his from the earlier chapters or something), I wouldn't mind reading that, but Yawhi does not belong with Jooin - not romantically at least.

MeganeCho created a topic of Yours to Claim

Like what does Jooin have to do to get this Yeehoe guy to leave him alone? And he has the audacity to be arrogant after slapping Jooin in the face a few chapters ago, "I'll turn that into love," like oh yeah so ROMANTIC after literally taking out your frustrations on Jooin by consistently treating him worse than absolute garbage for God knows how long just because he didnt remember you from your childhood??? Not to mention the fact that he even admitted to knowing exactly what he was doing to Jooin the entire time he was treating him like trash so I mean, idk this has gotten to the point where if the author suddenly decided to make him a villain I wouldn't be surprised lol. Anyways I personally think Jooin needs to file a restraining order, and I'm also still REALLY hoping that he chooses Cain, because based off the things that Jooin said that he wants, Cain is the only one out of the two that could really, genuinely give him that, and Jooin and Cain make one of the most adorable couples ever honestly.

MeganeCho created a topic of Yours to Claim


Also, if you're surprised Cain was a dog, even though it was hinted at I think it was for like one panel at the end of a chapter ages ago lol

MeganeCho created a topic of Yours to Claim

If Jooin keeps this up - especially with the whole yelling at Cain, taking his frustrations out on him, while simultaneously leading him and Yahwi on - then screw it I'm going to start rooting for Cahwi. Cain would probably be a way better boyfriend for Yahwi anyways, and not Jooin who's seemingly clueless and cant make up his mind 80% of the time. Like is it really that difficult to choose between the two of them????? But no he's dragging his feet, leading them both on like he's got all of the time in the world.

MeganeCho created a topic of Yours to Claim

I've always felt bad for Jooin for all of the sh*te that Yahwi did to him and put him through, but Jooin pointing it out made me feel bad for him all over again, like I really wanted to give him a hug.

Also, I don't understand what the authors are trying to do at this point with Yahwi's character because they already made him So unlikeable this whole time to the point where the sight of him annoys me and I really don't care about anything that he says or feels. (I mean we're pretty much EIGHTY chapters in, idk what to tell you lol)

All I really care about and hope for is for Jooin to be happy in a healthy, nontoxic relationship with mutual respect and love from the start (so basically, Cain), especially after everything that Yahwi put Jooin through. Like Yahwi literally slapped Jooin like he meant it before, on top of everything else that he had done and all of the lines that he had crossed.

One thing that I believe as a fact at this point though is that Yahwi is Not right for Jooin and they both need to just go their separate ways, or maybe just be friends, but that might be weird considering everything that's happened, so...

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I'm so sorry that was one of the goofiest car accidents I've ever seen. Like with the way the mom was standing in the road WITH HER ARMS OUT, and the fact that they knew that the guy was crazy, did they seriously think that he would stop the car for them, especially after starting to speed like that??? And the panel with their feet in the air after that......well as far as the writing is concerned I can't say that the author wasn't being creative because I didnt expect any of that lol

MeganeCho created a topic of Rix Vanus

Idk the original Nuah's been gone for so long that I'm starting to really like the new Nuah and am actually hoping that he doesn't get replaced by original Nuah lol

MeganeCho created a topic of Jinx

The whole time reading this, I couldnt stop wondering if the author is/was pissed off at someone and is having all of their anger be taken out on Dan??? I mean, seriously, I have never seen two characters that were so incompatible in my life, like how could this possibly be considered a romance, let alone a GOOD romance, in every sense of the word? The main character - who's dumb and naive - experiences SA, violence, abuse, and is treated like/is literally labeled as a tool (SO romantic) by the one guy that's supposed to be the ML - who's an egotistical POS for ~30 (around THIRTY) chapters in, but then what, they're supposed to "fall in love" 30-50 chapters after ALL OF THAT? Idk when the actual "love" is going to happen, if at all, if you can even call it that, but like what??? I just don't see how the story could venture into a romance at this point and have it make sense, after everything, because stockholm syndrome does not = romance. And the whole "I hAvE a JiNx" is such BS, he's just a famous, entitled rich guy with a sex addiction lol.

Anyway idk I'm just going to drop this, unless they introduce a second guy that's more loving, genuine and considerate of Dan, which is highly unlikely, I'm sure. I personally just don't find seeing Dan, or any character in a story, experiencing and going through what he has in this story to be entertaining in any way at all, and there's no going back since that line has already been crossed in the way that it has. So, yeah, reading this has been a weird, confusing, comedic yet mildly annoying and unpleasant experience for me personally. I skipped a lot of the times when Dan and Grosskyung were "together" so I guess that's how I was somehow able to make it through the chapters so quickly, despite how confused I was trying to find even a shred of romance in this thing, then giving up on that and being confused about how this could possibly be properly categorised as a romance...

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