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cviti January 13, 2025 11:00 am

its funny how there’s been controversy about how the main characters body is drawn (which personally i feel like if it does actually bother you so much you can just … choose not to read the story?) but somehow all the characters apart from the male lead are so confused on why anyone would want hae-soo who is drawn as very attractive with an insane figure just because she’s older i love when authors draw a character as like drop dead gorgeous and then expect us to believe that other characters find them plain or unworthy of their love interests attention there’s definitely some sort of backstory to his obsession but even if there wasn’t i wouldn’t blame him for being into her

    levipleasecallmeback January 13, 2025 11:17 am

    i fear a lot of you guys think all minor inconveniences must avoided when that’s not normal. because to some people dropping a story for its art, storytelling, and dialogue is valid/happens often BUT it’s not always the biggest dealbreaker others think it is. this story is cliche and good, and the proportions are bothersome but doesn’t take away the whole enjoyment from reading it!

    it’s truly not that big of a deal to complain; in fact it’s pretty normal if the audience, being mostly women, critique how their bodies are represented in the most ideal over-sexualized ways in smut? look at her arm to boob to waist to stomach ratio. she can have all these features (big boobs/wide hips/skinny) but people just wish it wasn’t so exaggerated yk

    kei January 13, 2025 12:47 pm
    i fear a lot of you guys think all minor inconveniences must avoided when that’s not normal. because to some people dropping a story for its art, storytelling, and dialogue is valid/happens often BUT it’s n... levipleasecallmeback

    Perfectly said for all of us complaining about the proportions.

    lilmomo January 13, 2025 6:09 pm
    i fear a lot of you guys think all minor inconveniences must avoided when that’s not normal. because to some people dropping a story for its art, storytelling, and dialogue is valid/happens often BUT it’s n... levipleasecallmeback

    I agree

    FUCKMAKINGACCOUNTS January 14, 2025 8:31 am
    i fear a lot of you guys think all minor inconveniences must avoided when that’s not normal. because to some people dropping a story for its art, storytelling, and dialogue is valid/happens often BUT it’s n... levipleasecallmeback

    I see that too but everyone else better be complaining when taeha pulls out his mighty sword. Majority of the men's body , especially the mighty sword, in most manhwa is exaggerated as well. We must also not forget that not all men are buff too. But regardless, the art is gorgeous

    FUCKMAKINGACCOUNTS January 14, 2025 8:44 am

    There are people who complains that its not realistic, it's over proportionate, etc, BUT I AINT SEE NO ONE COMPLAIN HOW THE EYES AINT REALISTIC AND ITS BIG. What about them nose??? TINY. female nose be nearly NON EXISTENT. trust, when Taeha pulls his mighty weapon, aint none of us gonna complain that his sword is too huge. Ain't none of us complaining how buff these men is when 80 percent of the men irl ain't even like this. And if they got the bod, it takes lots of time and effort to maintain that appearance, which I clearly don't see minshit do, which he ain't got no business be good looking too, that piece of shit. but I agree that it's not realistic bc ITS MANHWA and that it is indeed overproportionate, to which idgaf bc it looks great. But if people complaining about them females body, they better be saying shit about other stuff too bc ik for a fact they can see disproportionate shit but ain't saying crap. So I'm with you , bud.

    FUCKMAKINGACCOUNTS January 14, 2025 8:45 am

    I also think there's another reason why he into her beside appearance. We just haven't seen it yet.

    Enya January 14, 2025 8:50 am
    There are people who complains that its not realistic, it's over proportionate, etc, BUT I AINT SEE NO ONE COMPLAIN HOW THE EYES AINT REALISTIC AND ITS BIG. What about them nose??? TINY. female nose be nearly N... FUCKMAKINGACCOUNTS

    lol fr double standards hello??

    FUCKMAKINGACCOUNTS January 14, 2025 8:54 am
    lol fr double standards hello?? Enya


    levipleasecallmeback January 14, 2025 11:54 am
    I see that too but everyone else better be complaining when taeha pulls out his mighty sword. Majority of the men's body , especially the mighty sword, in most manhwa is exaggerated as well. We must also not fo... FUCKMAKINGACCOUNTS

    …uh people will? but the hypothetical doesn’t correlate to the conversation topic. men are allowed to look all sorts of ways even more so when it comes to erotic stories. and then are even praised irl for having “dad bods” being “lanky” “short kings” and more. i think your take was well-intended but short sighted because you didn’t consider all the contextual details surrounding why her body is always in controversy

    why do you guys think this is a double standard issue when you know women’s beauty standards are not only way worse, but apparent and has lengthy history to it? its off-putting how im creating a conversation about women’s unrealistic body expectations, and the only argument for it is “men too!!”. when it’s not even a systemic issue that’s closely comparable

    chalk January 14, 2025 12:04 pm
    i fear a lot of you guys think all minor inconveniences must avoided when that’s not normal. because to some people dropping a story for its art, storytelling, and dialogue is valid/happens often BUT it’s n... levipleasecallmeback

    This one exactly, thank you!!! Saying "well you can just stop reading" anytime someone complains about a certain aspect about a piece of media always gives off pea-brain vibes, I fear. Discourse is part of consuming media, and that includes both positive and negative critiques of it.

    chalk January 14, 2025 12:04 pm
    i fear a lot of you guys think all minor inconveniences must avoided when that’s not normal. because to some people dropping a story for its art, storytelling, and dialogue is valid/happens often BUT it’s n... levipleasecallmeback

    This one exactly, thank you!!! Saying "well you can just stop reading" anytime someone complains about a certain aspect of a piece of media always gives off pea-brain vibes, I fear. Discourse is part of consuming media, and that includes both positive and negative critiques of it.

    chalk January 14, 2025 12:09 pm
    There are people who complains that its not realistic, it's over proportionate, etc, BUT I AINT SEE NO ONE COMPLAIN HOW THE EYES AINT REALISTIC AND ITS BIG. What about them nose??? TINY. female nose be nearly N... FUCKMAKINGACCOUNTS

    It's not about the disproportionate body parts that bother people. It's because big boobs and dumptruck asses are more sexualized as compared to having big eyes, and it feeds into the unrealistic body standards that society push onto women, hope this helps!

    levipleasecallmeback January 14, 2025 12:13 pm
    lol fr double standards hello?? Enya

    you should look into what a double standard is. caring about women’s unrealistic beauty standards, as the audience is female dominated, correlates to why her body is the main subject. if you want to care about men’s unrealistic beauty standards go ahead no one is stopping you guys??

    levipleasecallmeback January 14, 2025 12:22 pm
    This one exactly, thank you!!! Saying "well you can just stop reading" anytime someone complains about a certain aspect of a piece of media always gives off pea-brain vibes, I fear. Discourse is part of consumi... chalk

    EXACTLY i wholeheartedly agree!! it scares me how the “stop reading/playing/etc” epidemic seeped into every conversation concerning criticism in media. its genuinely terrifying people believe uncomfortable or negative feelings should be avoided at all costs, when challenging your brain has been an important part of learning since grade school ? doesn’t matter how “shallow” the media is, there’s always a theme or narrative taking place. but people are SO strict nowadays in fandom spaces and think the only way to consume media is to glaze it or ignore it. when it’s supposed to be viewed and judged by any lens…

    we can thank late stage capitalism and individualism for this

    Enya January 14, 2025 1:27 pm
    you should look into what a double standard is. caring about women’s unrealistic beauty standards, as the audience is female dominated, correlates to why her body is the main subject. if you want to care abou... levipleasecallmeback

    I am a girl, it’s not that deep. We deal with this shit on a daily basis but we can recognise a literal cartoon vs women getting surgery to fit a literal trend.

    FUCKMAKINGACCOUNTS January 14, 2025 8:02 pm
    …uh people will? but the hypothetical doesn’t correlate to the conversation topic. men are allowed to look all sorts of ways even more so when it comes to erotic stories. and then are even praised irl for h... levipleasecallmeback

    I never seen a community talk shit about the dick or the body other than how badly it is drawn out. And no , men are not praised for having dad bods or being lanky and short. Clearly, you are short sighted as well if you see that. Does society prefer us to be thin, curvy, big tits and ass with tiny ankles? Do women get sexualized more than men? Hell yeah. Us women gotta even deal with the expectation of trying to look nice during pregnancy and after. Then we are trash if we age. Theres a long history all right all bc we are women and there are men out there who thinks they are superior. I have always considered it but I don't let that ruin a good plot. But the expectation for men is bad as well but not as worse and vocal compare to females. The men gotta be tall, gotta be buff, gotta have a big dick, gotta have lots of money, gotta be tough and strong, etc. As men will sexualize a woman and would leave them if they fall short , women would do the same. However, just bc I said that don't mean men gets is similar, as in my opinion, women gets it much worse. We even have to be concerned for walking outside without being catcalled and followed in the middle of the day or when you trying to shop and a man comes out, showing that his weiner is huge by getting an erection. Trust, we know. But my firer point is, if you going to point out her body, you better point out everything else . Let's start with skin. I'm very jealous how nice and pimpleless her skin is. Dark circles? WHERE IT AT. Hyperpigmentation ? GONE. Us women get bashed if we don't got good skin too and view us less 'sexy' if we don't have good skin. How about skin folds when she bends her body? Not really there. Irl, they photshop that shit out too to appear more 'sexy'. How about the nose size? NOT REALLY THERE. in Asian culture, it is prefer to have small nose bc if it's too big, it can be a turn off. My second point, why go so deep for this manhwa??? We can differentiate manhwas from real life. We are all females. We know that this shit is very unrealistic. We ain't that dumb. We also know when to speak up when we see something very bad, and clearly, this aint bad. Which lead to my third point is why is it always the women bashing other women? Can't we be supportive of this author and appreciate the time and effort she put into this? The plot is great, hasoo 's response to her environment is on point, her slowly healing from minshit is also good, the people's reaction around her feels like what it would be in reality. We get to see her build strength as she try to become self-sufficient. There are women out there who suffers just like her too and yet, you bash about bodies. You speak about body and over sexualizing, but why not speak about her experience? We all experience some type of harm from the expectation and what those evil men did to us, but you are just as evil bc you joined the men who bashed us without having to look at our past and upbringing. Do you know how many minshit out there in the world? Plus, this one is fine. We seen worse. So what you see in this manhwa makes the females with curvy bodies. This is fictional and we know. Mannnn, I don't see the males over at the shounen area talk shit about the male bodies. In fact , they dig that shit even when their body ain't like that at all.

    FUCKMAKINGACCOUNTS January 14, 2025 8:04 pm
    I am a girl, it’s not that deep. We deal with this shit on a daily basis but we can recognise a literal cartoon vs women getting surgery to fit a literal trend. Enya

    Ty. They think we stupid for not noticing and not being able to know between fake and real life. It just a manhwa. Let's enjoy the story.

    levipleasecallmeback January 14, 2025 8:51 pm

    the both of you are not intellectually equipped to have this type of conversation. you just want to goon and read and that’s fine. but i don’t think this conversation will get us anywhere because both of you refuse to genuinely understand the core problem for your own convenience. one person thinks it’s not that deep, which is already a cop out that screams “if i don’t think it’s important than it must not be” and the other one truly believes there’s a double standard (when calling out beauty standards ?) then proceeds to prove themselves right that women’s standards are much harsher and stricter without realizing. i honestly don’t get what point you were trying to make because you create an argument to say women DO have it much worse but we should just ignore it because it’s fictional… do you even hear yourself?

    unfortunately reality can affect the way you view media… forfeiting your ability to critically reflect is your guys own decision but you don’t get to enforce it to others- who are willing to go out their way to be a conscious of media around them. it’s strange the lengths people like you will go through just to feel at ease when reading- a criticism to a story is not a personal attack to you. if an opinion about a webtoon doesn’t apply or appeal to you, it doesn’t mean your own opinion is wrong either. but why choose to fight a battle you cant even handle or don’t have the ability to keep up with respectfully? instead of questioning the points ive brought up, you’ve skirted around the actual topic. and chose to criticize made up points for the sake of invalidating a very mild and obvious point. calling out a stylistic choice that perpetuates how the ideal women is viewed in media doesn’t bash nor ridicule anyone ?????

    levipleasecallmeback January 14, 2025 9:04 pm
    I am a girl, it’s not that deep. We deal with this shit on a daily basis but we can recognise a literal cartoon vs women getting surgery to fit a literal trend. Enya

    i am a girl, it is that deep. so you must be young or not reading enough then. because if you can’t recognize a basic concept how can i expect you to understand what i mean?

    you’re telling me you don’t see sexism and over-sexualization in any cartoon, ever? even if this is a smut webtoon you can tell her proportions are OFF for the sake of being the ideal. it’s okay to call it out even if it’s not dealing with the beauty standard… and you’re completely missing the point bringing up plastic surgery!! the issue at hand is how her body is designed because her ratios are noticeably weirder. it showcases the beauty standard, we are not saying it’s the cause of it like what ??

    levipleasecallmeback January 14, 2025 9:13 pm
    Ty. They think we stupid for not noticing and not being able to know between fake and real life. It just a manhwa. Let's enjoy the story. FUCKMAKINGACCOUNTS

    i don’t think you’re stupid, but you act like you are. enjoy the story, but let adults have grown conversations and stick to mindlessly consuming any and all media just the way you like it. you’re already gobbling it up and creating lazy excuses so that you don’t have to sit with the unfortunate and uncomfortable news about your poor comfort smut not being perfect. i don’t think you realize your whole argument revolved around being less critical and hopelessly indulgent. you can’t have your cake and eat it too

    chalk January 15, 2025 12:51 am
    the both of you are not intellectually equipped to have this type of conversation. you just want to goon and read and that’s fine. but i don’t think this conversation will get us anywhere because both of yo... levipleasecallmeback

    Hi idk you but ily for all your replies to this, thank you!!! The difference between your level of intellect and those two that keep spouting nonsense is obvious and staggering. You make perfect sense and yet it's like talking to a bunch of neanderthals.

    levipleasecallmeback January 15, 2025 7:24 am
    Hi idk you but ily for all your replies to this, thank you!!! The difference between your level of intellect and those two that keep spouting nonsense is obvious and staggering. You make perfect sense and yet i... chalk

    ilyt, you get me. the topic at hand isn’t even hard to digest or controversial. shes shaped oddly, even in comparison to the men, point blank period?? if people noticed the same thing with the male bodies they would’ve… but again why do women have to exert energy to fight a battle they don’t have to or need to! igdaf about male issues!!! not sorry when they’ve created their own and women’s

    them not giving a fuck about how beauty standards affect the way women are perceived in fiction says a lot about how passive women can be about patriarchal issues. how am i supposed to be apologetic for wanting to see her be ANYTHING other than ideal?

    MostLoyalTyongf2 January 15, 2025 1:00 pm
    It's not about the disproportionate body parts that bother people. It's because big boobs and dumptruck asses are more sexualized as compared to having big eyes, and it feeds into the unrealistic body standards... chalk

    damn, society being affected by this one story?? the majority of the readers who are most likely adults reading this story are reading this and applying it to REAL LIFE and thinking women actually look like this?? thats crazy dawg

    levipleasecallmeback January 15, 2025 1:14 pm
    damn, society being affected by this one story?? the majority of the readers who are most likely adults reading this story are reading this and applying it to REAL LIFE and thinking women actually look like thi... MostLoyalTyongf2

    yk damn well that’s not what they were talking about LMAO this just makes you look like you have a comprehension issue

    saying “it feeds into the unrealistic body standards that society push onto women” = it’s an EXAMPLE!! of a system that prioritizes a singular look for women to be desired and these exaggerated parts are made to be inherently sexual! it’s not the cause of the issue, it’s a portrayal of it… she can have big boobs and a disappearing waist, whatever, but the proportions don’t have to be so odd bro. just make her on par with the males omg!! we are never leaving the patriarchy if yall deny simple and lukewarm observations

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