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yasuha December 22, 2024 4:40 pm

Chapter 1 manhwa.

The adventures of the truck driver in the "Mysoup-Empire" in the city "Tyrannosaurus".

yasuha February 9, 2021 11:16 pm

ship Lester and the Duke?

Cause I want both happy and I'm still shipping Yuri and the Queen ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Imcrying February 12, 2021 6:27 pm

    Idk about lester and aenon but cecia and yuri olallalala yessir

yasuha's questions ( All 2 )

yasuha August 20, 2018 11:26 pm

I´m somehow stressed about a current situation.
So the situation is this:
A friend I have a bit crush on and another friend are living next to each other, they even share the terrace.
The other friend will soon be moving in with her boyfriend, so her flat will be free.
So now the question: Should I take over her flat?

The positive things are:
- the flat has 2 rooms, my current flat has one
- a bathtube, my current flat has only a shower (I love bathing)
- a terrace
- the crush next door

the less positive things are:
- the village is even smaller than the village I´m living in and there is no train, so I will need to buy a car
- my current flat is just 10 min away from my work by foot, the other flat will be 20min by car
- here I have a gread landlord (sometimes a bit dumb, but nice and lenient)
- I´ve great neighbors, sometimes we go drinking, sometimes we go playing Pokemon Go
- if I´m drunk here, I can just walk home

It´s just that I´m always stressed out about bigger changes.
And the crush said to stop with excuses and to just move in ( ̄∇ ̄")

    SSStylish August 20, 2018 11:29 pm

    seems like there are more cons than pros, so i wouldnt do it

    chey August 21, 2018 12:10 am

    if u can afford to buy and own a car, i say go for it

    Sketchbooked August 21, 2018 12:28 am

    I wouldn't go for it. You have great relationships with the people there but if you moved next to your crush it'll probs be harder for you. Its better for you to stay where you are right now. You have many advantages just living where you are now. The cons seem to all suck a lot to, changing your whole life's isnt worth it for 1 person if there's no benefit for you.

    Demeter August 21, 2018 1:26 am

    Don’t go for it. Even if you go out with your crush you could break up. Then living next to each other would be awful.
    Focus on your work, you even got it all great for you since your landlord isn’t a dick, and your neighbors are dependable. If you want a better house save up money and get another one nearby since you’ll still be living in a big village

yasuha July 23, 2018 10:05 am

Recently I´ve seen some anonymous trolls posting some bullsh*t on this website. And I think, some people are bothered by that.
I tell you, let us just enjoy our precious manga and ignore those trolls. They are just poor souls, who are envious that we have a passion, something precious in our live.
They just want some attention.

You know, if someone resorts to insults, he admits that his intelligence is limited and that he is not able to argue reasonable.

So, anonymous trolls, feel free to insult me. I take every insult as a compliment.


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Hey :D
So, something about me:
- I´m 40, working as an occupational 
therapist in a psychiatry  (we have much
fun there)
- Since I was young, I watch anime, watch 
asian TV drama, read manga, play games, etc. I don´t know how much I already consumed,
but it's much XD
- I´m watching/reading almost every 
genre, depending on my mood.

Feel free to ask me everything :)

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