In a world where Humans and Demons are in constant wars. Human adventurers seek to challenge the dem...
- Author: Color-LES
- Genres: Adventure / Comedy / Fantasy / Romance / Shoujo Ai / Webtoons / Yuri
The lesbian, Takamine, and the straight woman Kiguchi, are colleagues at work.One day, when Kiguchi ...
- Author: Kawauchi
- Genres: Drama / Yuri
Volume 1: Onnanoko Dooshiyo?! "Ecchi na Shukudai Yacchaumon ne!" Hen1. Onnanoko Dooshiyo?! "Ecchi na...
- Author: Rokuroichi
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / Yuri
Yukako, a housewife tired of the pressure put upon her by the people in her life, has an unexpected ...
- Author: Yashio Goyou
- Genres: Drama / Psychological / Romance / Yuri
A salacious bondage sesh with the boss counts as overtime, right? Seungwon's first job lands he...
- Author: Takeil, Shira
- Genres: Yuri / Smut / Romance / Mature / Webtoons /
Indonesian:Hime adalah gadis SMA yang manis imut nan mungil,dia sangat berprasangka gay pada Itoha, ...
- Author: Takahashi tetsuya
- Genres: Shoujo ai / Yuri / Ecchi / Loli / Romance / School life
- Author: Shiratama moti
- Genres: Shoujo ai / Yuri / Demons / School life
- Author: Kagono tori,Shiratama moti
- Genres: Shoujo ai / Yuri / Ecchi / School life
A Yuri Omegaverse ...
- Author: Mikanuji
- Genres: Yuri / Romance / Mature / One Shot / doujinshi
Pairing: Cyan x Retoree...
- Author: mojarin
- Genres: Doujinshi / Ecchi / Mature / Yuri
Momoka who has become an arasa with zero romance experience. Frustrated by this situation, she disco...
- Author: Amasaki Iroha
- Genres: Smut / Drama / Romance / Slice of Life / Yuri
Pairing: Sora x Sumire...
- Author: hatake wo tagayasu dake (mikanuji)
- Genres: Adult / Doujinshi / Yuri
- Author: valkyrie drive project
- Genres: Action / Ecchi / Fantasy / Mature / School Life / Yuri
Based on Valkyrie Drive: Siren mobile game....
- Author: Valkyrie Drive Project,Azuse
- Genres: Action / Ecchi / Fantasy / School Life / Shounen / Yuri
- Author: Homura subaru
- Genres: Yuri / Ecchi / Smut / One shot / Romance
- Author: allclear oruco
- Genres: Doujinshi / Fantasy / One Shot / Yuri
Pairing: Kotori x Umi...
- Author: kasumi,muramura pocky,sinohara sinome,sinosino
- Genres: Doujinshi / One Shot / Yuri
- Author: fomalhaut (circle), tanaka shoutarou
- Genres: Comedy / Doujinshi / Ecchi / Yuri