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detective / yakuza(37) 2018-10-26 1
host / bar(10) 2017-05-09 0
sweet(32) 2017-04-04 0
to read(2) 2015-02-07 1

lily_nuit's topics ( All 528 )

lily_nuit September 1, 2020 6:16 am

Damn the sister is such a b*ch !!
so basically she have live a perfect peaceful life while her brother was suffering for SO many years Oo and because of what... some miss place jealousy ...!

lily_nuit August 10, 2020 8:43 pm

I feel dumb to realise that one is the sequel of that one just now...(⊙…⊙ )

    Sugasan August 11, 2020 4:09 am

    Wait omg, so what should I read first? Both are still on going and I'm so confused lol

    lily_nuit August 11, 2020 6:20 pm
    Wait omg, so what should I read first? Both are still on going and I'm so confused lol Sugasan

    i read both simultaneously, the other one is the story of the master when he was young ans probably the story of that ''big event'' that happened... translation is not te same so name are slightly different but easy to figure

    JustBeingMyself August 16, 2020 9:02 pm

    Huh? It is? But why is the author different? Thanks, I never knew

    lily_nuit August 17, 2020 8:31 pm
    Huh? It is? But why is the author different? Thanks, I never knew JustBeingMyself

    i also wonder... maybe one of the translation team mistake the name... but that definitely the same story

lily_nuit's questions ( All 88 )

lily_nuit April 12, 2020 4:50 pm

im looking for that color webtoon about a master and apprentice... the apprentice want to become a sword but he won't be able to... and he have a problem with cold and his chi... Im sorry i know it vague

lily_nuit February 2, 2020 4:55 pm

hello gyu's, I'm looking for this yaoi where they are all curse men beast.
there is a snake exorsit and a wolf who cannot admit he like the snake... ok i know it's not super clear but please help :)

lily_nuit's message board ( All 0 )

yaoi yaoi please bring more yaoi!!!
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