Finally Reo got the apology he deserves, if Nagi ever hurts him again, I'll seriously kill him! And I need more Reo and Chigiri interactions
It's ok, but i hoped the next story of her that I'd read would be the one of Taejus super hot fathers
The fact I would've loved this story way more if Nagi wouldn't have been such an a**hole in between. He hurt my cutie Reo's feelings more than once and then used his feelings to bring him back to his side
Disgusting, why change their chinese names into this shit? -> if official translations are like this, it's better not to have one at all
Did they skip the part where Josh meets Keith and his partner?
I saw the raws, be prepared everyone if you disliked Ian's mom until now, I promise you, you'll start to hate her in the following chapters. Because really everyone around Ian, including PD cares more about him than his mother
I hope none of them will find them, because the tops are super creepy and I love the Power Bottom Trio
I hope someone will translate Vol. 7 & 8 as well.........please
Please tell me that this move will revive Tsurugi and instead of the JJK thing with someone taking over his body, due to the werewolf blood in his body he'll be himself
Haaaaaan Hirano is getting more pretty with every chapter, if this continues, he'll be able to compete with Minato (Therapy Game) when he's an adult
Their first night together and they already destroyed the bed, I love it -> had to read that part of the novel again right away
I hate his mom and even though she didn't do anything to Yugun directly, he still get's sick because of her being a horrible parent, so even if she get's a redemption arc, I'll continue to hate her
I saw the raws and there is no way for a redemption arc for Ian's Mom. She really doesn't care about Ian and only wants to use him to make herself feel better, even PD, understood what he did wrong and tried to help them by, talking sense to her making it clear that she's the one who wants another show, not Ian, who'd be the focus of attention against his will again. And she didn't react to any of it, just got angry, that PD wouldn't help her forced Ian to be part of a show again. Really disgusting, especially compared to the other two moms who were introduced in this story, they both love their kids, show it in different ways, but would never force them to do something the kids don't want, just to make them self feel better.
Sry dear, you'll never be able to win against your cats
They really go too fast, compared to the novel and skip many scenes, but if they skip the bed scene in the next chapters, like they did the ambulance scene, I'll ask for a remake of this Manhwa!
Searching for him to prevent it? Ha more like they're searching for him, so that he can throw away his live for them again, as if SY will let this happen. I hope he goes full Lan Wangji/ Hua Cheng mode later in the story
Just He Tian covering Mo with the blanket, so that whoever would come in wouldn't see him without clothes. So possesive and protective