15 days
06 11,2024
14 10,2024
12 10,2024
15 07,2024
15 07,2024
apparently i maxed this out (why only 200 aghh) anyways check out my list THE GOOD STUFF 2 for more recos happy reading
Since i honestly and im very open about it hate kyaa kyaa gurlss and harem to my COREEEE and i just want op mc's all throughout with undying power and like gives no shit bout anyone just leveling up hahaha i made this list
Honestly yall gotta see up until the end cause some of these im embarassed to even put here
15 07,2024
12 06,2024
11 06,2024
11 06,2024
11 06,2024
11 06,2024
03 06,2024