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Nucha May 12, 2019 8:33 pm

You can find all the episodes for around 2$ or smtg here:
This is the official site so it supports the creator. The manhwa that is being uploaded here is the book that came with the dvd box, which is just the animation in manhwa format. If you buy the dvd box, it comes with an extra episode, exclusive to the dvd, the manhwa and an extra booklet.

Nucha September 15, 2018 12:28 am

If you love this series so much go buy the episodes on Tapas, you can get free coins from watching videos if you can't spend money. Seems a bit hypocritical to me to see so many people complaining about the name change and whatever, yet they can't even be bothered to go read somewhere official that gives money to the author.

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