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MadReader created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

After the last two chapters, I think I understand Noah's motives for keeping the child from Ian. But, it doesn't mean it was the right thing to do. On the other hand, I also understand Ian's anger and desire for revenge. He was in a rut and had no idea he forced himself on Noah who was oblivious to his own body's transformation. I mean it's not hard to see both sides and see the clear misunderstanding here. Although, I wish the backstory was delayed a few more chapters though (makes for more character development "impact"). Because now as readers some of us who had sided right away with Ian when we found out that Noah had kept his child away from him, are starting to turn on him. But, reading this back story now, I can see some people jumping ship and singing a whole different tune, blaming Ian for raping Noah. It's funny how people tend to immediately choose sides or abandon their original stance. But, the world is not as black and white as many of you naively think it is. Yes, the writing is a bit messy. But, I think the author is also trying to show us that reality and their work of fiction exist in a gray plane, which many people choose to ignore, especially those who are uncessarily overly self-righteous. Both characters are to blame and both have been misunderstood. Noah was hurt. Remember before the rut/rape incident, Ian ended things with him and said their relationship wasn't that serious. Now, fast forward post rut/rape incident, from Noah's POV: his body is changing (doesn't understand why or how), he just realized that the bite mark isn't fading, and (soon will find out that he) is pregnant. Would you go back to the SAME man who rejected you and wanted nothing to do with you with a baby? I think anyone with a shred of dignity WOULDN'T. Again, I'm not saying it's right, but back to the "gray" area where our emotions and pride are the catalist to most of our actions and decisions (good or bad)....I mean take a look at what is happening to our world at the moment....
Now, in Ian's case. I do think his anger and desire for revenge is a little misguided:
First of all, as an Alpha he should KNOW that when in rut Alphas do act like mindless beast and he even admitted not remembering what happened during his rut except for the residual omega pheromones and the security camera recording...these facts should make him stop and think that maybe Noah didn't force himself on him but rather the other way around?
Secondly, HE ended things with Noah and disregarded their relationship as if it meant nothing, despite having led him to believe otherwise.
Thirdly, anyone with a brain cell, would ask why their ex came to their apartment. As for the reason Noah left without saying a word, well that's something he'd have to reconcile his own memories for...
Now, regarding having his child hiding from him, although he has every right be angry... he's also not blameless. If he hadn’t rejected Ian and broke things off so heartlessly, maybe things would've turned out differently and that child (sorry forgot his name) would have never ended up without his father.... There’s are a lot of other points I kind of want to analyze as well, lots of "ifs", "maybes", and "buts"... BUT I need to go take my dog for a walk.
****Disrespectful and unintelligent responses are not welcomed. If you think I've missed something and would like to add to what I said you are more than welcomed to, albeit in a respectful manner.****
Let's keep the mood "merry" at least for the day. Merry Christmas everyone~