MadReader December 25, 2023 3:02 am

After the last two chapters, I think I understand Noah's motives for keeping the child from Ian. But, it doesn't mean it was the right thing to do. On the other hand, I also understand Ian's anger and desire for revenge. He was in a rut and had no idea he forced himself on Noah who was oblivious to his own body's transformation. I mean it's not hard to see both sides and see the clear misunderstanding here. Although, I wish the backstory was delayed a few more chapters though (makes for more character development "impact"). Because now as readers some of us who had sided right away with Ian when we found out that Noah had kept his child away from him, are starting to turn on him. But, reading this back story now, I can see some people jumping ship and singing a whole different tune, blaming Ian for raping Noah. It's funny how people tend to immediately choose sides or abandon their original stance. But, the world is not as black and white as many of you naively think it is. Yes, the writing is a bit messy. But, I think the author is also trying to show us that reality and their work of fiction exist in a gray plane, which many people choose to ignore, especially those who are uncessarily overly self-righteous. Both characters are to blame and both have been misunderstood. Noah was hurt. Remember before the rut/rape incident, Ian ended things with him and said their relationship wasn't that serious. Now, fast forward post rut/rape incident, from Noah's POV: his body is changing (doesn't understand why or how), he just realized that the bite mark isn't fading, and (soon will find out that he) is pregnant. Would you go back to the SAME man who rejected you and wanted nothing to do with you with a baby? I think anyone with a shred of dignity WOULDN'T. Again, I'm not saying it's right, but back to the "gray" area where our emotions and pride are the catalist to most of our actions and decisions (good or bad)....I mean take a look at what is happening to our world at the moment....
Now, in Ian's case. I do think his anger and desire for revenge is a little misguided:
First of all, as an Alpha he should KNOW that when in rut Alphas do act like mindless beast and he even admitted not remembering what happened during his rut except for the residual omega pheromones and the security camera recording...these facts should make him stop and think that maybe Noah didn't force himself on him but rather the other way around?
Secondly, HE ended things with Noah and disregarded their relationship as if it meant nothing, despite having led him to believe otherwise.
Thirdly, anyone with a brain cell, would ask why their ex came to their apartment. As for the reason Noah left without saying a word, well that's something he'd have to reconcile his own memories for...
Now, regarding having his child hiding from him, although he has every right be angry... he's also not blameless. If he hadn’t rejected Ian and broke things off so heartlessly, maybe things would've turned out differently and that child (sorry forgot his name) would have never ended up without his father.... There’s are a lot of other points I kind of want to analyze as well, lots of "ifs", "maybes", and "buts"... BUT I need to go take my dog for a walk.
****Disrespectful and unintelligent responses are not welcomed. If you think I've missed something and would like to add to what I said you are more than welcomed to, albeit in a respectful manner.****
Let's keep the mood "merry" at least for the day. Merry Christmas everyone~

    AWinterWonderLand December 25, 2023 12:37 pm

    But of a lengthy debate:

    Interesting take from Noah's p.o.v. I would not say I agree with Noah's motive for hiding the baby though. It's ONE thing not to tell Ian, but it's another thing to be FEARFUL of him. He acts paranoid AS IF IAN WOULD COME to take the baby away. It just doesn't MAKE SENSE to me. As far as Noah's having been rejected, it does seem cold and cruel for Ian to have ended things, but it's because after he had asked Noah if he wanted to continue with their sexual relationship and Noah had become non- responsive, with that look on his face of pure disappointment and his body closed-up and mute, that Ian had decided to not continue, so it's not as one-sided as one would believe. I mean, what did ppl expect him to do at that point?!? It was callous and negligent of him to not have told Noah upfront about it. But maybe he had gone into the relationship expecting one thing and Noah had another. If Ian is experienced and had truly led Noah on, then he is a douche. It seems he had led Noah on because we have been presented with things from Noah's perspective. A lot of ppl pity Noah saying that it's his first time so he's inexperienced. If Ian is experienced and had KNOWN of Noah's feelings, then yes, you can say that Noah had been taken advantage of. What if Ian had been attracted to Noah enough to want a FWB relationship with him and that it had just naturally developed that way, not knowing Noah's feelings, and then taking Noah's question lightly, believing this whole while that Noah had gone into this FWB relationship KNOWING the paramenters, and NOT that Noah had deeper feelings than that when Noah had asked the question about theirs dating. It also isn't CRUEL if he finds out his FWB wanted something more than what he wants or if he has an aversion to having any deeper connections and distancing them THAT way. Maybe he thinks it best they stay away from each other. Or even if they were to reconnect, it would be as platonic friends. He probably cannot handle the kind of emotions Noah puts into it. We see how much emphasis Noah has for his feelings. Even if Ian had held some kind of regards for the omega at that point, if Noah had stopped being receptive to it, Ian may not have been comfortable being around him after finding out for reals and also seeing Noah's expressions. It's only CRUEL if he had done it INTENTIONALLY having known of Noah's feelings prior to and during their sexcapades. Also, Noah was the one who was so HAPPY during the rutting sex that he had WISHED his relationship (albeit only sexually at this point (the rutting sex)) with Ian had lasted as if he had been Ian's omega. (Though this thought could ALSO have been fueled by the INTENSELY sexually-driven pheromones - PHEROMONE HIGH, if you will - and the extreme & INTENSE PLEASURE of the fwop fwop in their great sex as an alpha and an omega, as a facetious little comment.

    AWinterWonderLand December 25, 2023 1:24 pm

    I DON'T think that's the thinking of someone who has even a shred of dignity who was so bent on going to find his ex one-last-time using the flimsy excuse of bringing back an inhibtor that, as many readers have brought up, may or may not have belonged to Ian, and that he could have EASILY given it BACK to him after class. I also threw out the hypothesis that, what IF he had gone there and Ian HADN'T been in his rut. What then?!? I can ONLY imagine some weird and awkward convo.

    Also, I don't know. If IAN WAS THAT vengeful I'm sure he has EVERY MEANS AT HIS DISPOSAL to SEEK out his omega mate and "Do something to him". If it had turned out to not be Noah, would he have still ACTED the SAME way?!? He didn't do that. It wasn't his prerogative. He only came seeking Noah after a number of years, presumably to settle down with said omega. And some ppl said that because Noah's an OMEGA that Ian had sought him out. No, he had stayed away from omegas prior to this, the only explanation possible is that he needs to find his mated pair in order to procreate. True, some people had pointed out that Noah had texted him beforehand, so if he had ever bothered checking his texts, assuming he had not deleted his contact nor blocked him, then he would have known at least that Noah had texted him about coming to see him, assuming the text had ALSO included the time he would be dropping by as well as the reason why (Oh, my, you came by to drop-off the inhibitor?!? Why, thank you!!!). And if he had texted Noah or called him back and Noah had just decided not to respond. Who knows. So, AT SOME POINT this may have clicked. The clicking would have worked only if this omegaverse has cases of omegas manifesting late, or, in his case, as a lot of ppl have hypothesized, if he has been a hyper-recessive whose traits had NOT BEEN expressed, but that could be awaken via alpha's rutting pheromones, then yes, the idea could occur to him. (We're assuming from this bit that it's specifically the "rutting pheromones" that is required for activation since the signal for sex is quite strong at this point, multiple-fold to regular levels, even in more excited states of non-rut-induced releases, as well as gearing to specifically arouse an omega, communicating to him that the alpha is ready to mate, in comparison to any that would have been regularly released, assuming leakage, intentional, or just your normal low-level release, so that even if Ian had regularly pelted him in his excitement during their regular FWB sex it wouldn't have affected him anyways of he had been prone to sudden manifestation (unless these low doses had given rise to the development of omega traits and or a womb, ready for activation over time (fruit ripe for the picking, so to speak)). The BLAMING is a bit much, but then again, I don't know Ian's sense of humor and yes, while he's an alpha who's been in rut he knows how OUT-OF-CONTROL an alpha can be but at the same time, you have to see he's angry because he was HOME alone rutting, and "some omega" came "into" his house while he's in his own home, so he feels like someone had invaded his space while he had no control of himself, and had forced him to mark him unwillingly. IF he has been lucid prior and had KNOWN an omega had been present, he COULD have done something about it. He would have shoved said omega away/not opened the door for him, used an inhibitor. ANYTHING. But, let's say Ian had had SOME mental lucidity left prior to forcing Noah into sex, he had ONLY known Noah to be a beta anyways so the concern would not have been there, for either of them. At MOST he would have forced Noah to have sex with him (again due to his rutting instincts to hump anything that moves (Noah, play dead!)), but his pheromones would not have worked on Noah, and Noah would not have turned, assuming betas can be be turned, or if Noah had been a hyper recessive whose traits had not been expressed but that can be activated by an alpha's rutting pheromones. On a DIFFERENT note, what IF they STILL HAD BEEN FWB when this had occurred, hmm??? Hmm?!?

    Noah may not have initially ran away as we had thought. He had to leave due to his Visa status. But he DID run away after the rutting sex....afraid of consequences, if not from knowing about the bonding, at least from having had sex w/ Ian. But if he didn't understand the mark (I know he's a beta but many Omegaverses have classes for sex ed, parents, friends, neighbors, the news, the INTERNET, that would have helped in educating everyone, including betas, and so that he would have at least a BASIC understanding of the human development, of traits, characteristics, symptoms of going into heats and ruts, marking, getting wet, the function of pheromones, even if not experiencing it first hand (seeing someone going into ruts and heats, even if cannot detect pheromones). Ain't no way such a CLUELESS beta exists. And even if it doesn't concern them in their day-to-day life, an alpha in rut gonna or an omega in heat have been known, at least in other omegaverses, to become so aroused they even do it with betas.) It makes him a really clueless, self-insulated beta, and yet to put ALL of the blame on Ian, who had ALSO NOT known of Noah any other way than as a beta, is really unfair. As socialization is a crucial part of the human experience, many things can be learn through friends, family, coworkers, classmates, acquaintances. If one has friends of all sexes then that should help round out your education more, even if not from sex ed, unless it's taboo so no one talks about it or is unwilling to divulge their private lives. There is ALSO media & social media. Many Omegaverses (I'm not saying this is one of them) has news reporting on alphas and omegas having accidents in a public setting. Many also have some kind of discourse regarding regulating ruts, heats, and pheromones. Perhaps this setting doesn't have alphas and omegas going into ruts and heats randomly or unexpectedly in public spaces, or the rate of occurrence is SO LOW, due the ratio of the sexes, and/or highly regulated cycles through regimented use of inhibitors, having first-hand experience of ruts and heats (outside of an intentional meeting for rutting sex or seeing someone you know going through it, in a private space) is rare. Maybe it's so well-regulated by medicine, or irregular cycles are rare. I don't know.

    With socialization being a BIG part of one's education outside of the school's sex education (if there is one) and in addition to the news outlet and social media Noah should have been better informed. He only had a mother and grandmother but no friends to speak of except that alpha chef who runs that INN. There is one instance I've read where a late stage omega manifestation caused the omega confusion because he had been a beta all of his life (he was ALREADY a WORKING ADULT too, prob 28 or smthng) and had ignored his sex ed and apparently all of the people around him and news and social media? Because it "didn't apply to him".

    As for Ian, he had CHOSEN TO ONLY socialize with alphas and betas in ORDER to PREVENT entanglements due to pheromones, heats, and ruts. This is HIS way of PROTECTING himself from the pheromone-induced sexual attractions, and fallout, such as the one you've seen HERE. Imagine his frustrations when HIS WHOLE LIFE of having taken these precautions, of staying away from omegas, BOTH SOCIALLY AND SEXUALLY, had been overruled by a moment of lack of mental clarity and lack of control over his sexual urges. Ppl just looks at alphas as the ones to be blamed, when LITERALLY, they were MADE to breed (with an omega). Anyways, that's what Ian HAD BEEN TRYING to avoid. And that day, let's SAY that the inhibtor that had been dropped, was HIS, then fate had played him in MORE WAYS than one. He HAD BEEN MAINTAINING ZERO contact with omegas (unless he has omega relatives or something), AND USES INHIBTORS to prevent, or at least REDUCE, or hold off, symptoms long enough for him to get to a SAFE PLACE for rutting alone. He had accomplished the task of having been able to isolate in a SAFE place. He's ALSO going through ruts ALONE. And here comes this naive beta served as a meal in front of him.

    Initially some ppl had said that what if he had a maid/butler or some delivery person randomly showing up and he had foolishly opened the door and they had been of the omega gender? And I couldn't refute it. But after writing the above paragraph, I realized that IF Ian is doing everything he CAN to prevent any mishaps from occuring, he could just have an ALL-BETA staff. As for the delivery person, if he lives in a well-off, tightly-secured or gated community, the chances for access is low, unless he had ordered something and had been expecting it (unless it's a misdelivery). IF he LITERALLY ONLY has alphas and beta relatives there is no need for that extra precaution, wouldn't matter as much (taking precautions to not open the door) and assuming that even w/ family members who are omega that attraction wouldn't be an issue. IF he's in rut, I'm SURE he would have notified his staff, and IF it is unheard of that alphas can affect betas then that also rules out the risk of his turning a beta into a dreaded omega. We don't know the security situation but that's the best I can come up with. As for Noah, who's been to his place for sex, I'm assuming he knows the code, or the security personnel cleared him (?) ¯_༼ᴼلᴼ༽_/¯ and Noah, who is a beta, has been allowed into an alpha's space. I'm sure Ian would not have ever thought to open the door if the possibility of an omega had turned up in his place, since he doesn't have omega contacts.

    For Ian the number 2 PRECAUTION of NOT SOCIALIZING with omegas had come to naught when Noah had shown up. The number 1 failure is not being able to inhibit his rut entirely, due to having lost his inhibitor. He could have picked up another inhibitor along the way home maybe or maybe he took one but it wasn't enough, but regardless, he had made his way home. Ppl are upset saying that why didn't he use an inhibitor at home so that he wouldn't have been rutting when Noah had shown up?!? Or be a danger to someone of omega gender?!? I mean, the man is in his own home. But yes, unless it's an omega neighbor or a strayed delivery then the chances are low. So we'll never know why he DID open that door, rut induced non-clarirty?!? Anyways, his rut is now in full swing. The third deterrant would have been sex with a beta only (or if Noah is a latent hyper-recessive but if he had known that then he wouldn't have involved himself w/ Noah in the FIRST place) who would ONLY stay as a beta, but no, fate decided to give him an omega. The POOR BOY, (both of them young'ins just graduated uni), even THOUGH he had failed to suppress the rut, he had MANAGED AT LEAST to MAKE IT TO HIS HOUSE prior to going into FULL-BLOWN HEAT. With the loss of both mental clarity and physical control and WANTING to hump (anything that passes by) but specifically an omega, he has to NOT ONLY control his OWN PHYSICAL actions (to pounce onto the omega/beta) but ALSO to fight the relentless release of mate-attracting rutting pheromones that would draw in an OMEGA to mate with him (a process both physical and mental. If you think about it from the molecular level pheromone molecules acts as a chemical messenger, to induce omegas into heat, and to become receptive to having sex with the alpha. So it can be considered to be also a form of mental communications, but via chemical signalling, versus via body language or via words). Which brings us to the FOURTH Fail-Safe which Ian had in place, releasing a pheromone SO REPULSIVE that an omega would back away, although, I honestly don't know WHAT the message of "utter desolation" Ian's pheromones really meant. Is it an insect spray to keep omegas away or is it a sense of desolation coming from his OWN heart?!? I don't know. This then brings us the the third resistance Ian has to face, THAT of the attraction to the PHEROMONES RELEASED by an OMEGA IN HEAT. Yes, HE HIMSELF has induced the omega into heat, but now because that omega cannot get away, he's now STUCK with an omega in heat. He HONEST-TO-GOODNESS did EVERYTHING in his power to PREVENT SUCH A THING from happening. So he blamed Noah for showing up at his place, intentionally or inadvertently, while he was rutting, and became a meal for him. He HADN'T wanted this at all.

    I had also discussed the hypothetical situation where if Ian had FOUND someone he likes and wants settle down with AND to have children with, then the mate-bond would have prevented him. Or even if he just, I don't know, wanted to have kids, then the loss would have been on him. The ONLY WAY FOR HIM TO HAVE CHILDREN, barring the scenario where the mark can be removed, is to come for his mate, who happens to be Noah. That progression is only NATURAL. :)

    I view Noah is really pathetic. Even if Ian hadn't played him. He's still such a sobbing wet mess of a man.

    thisislele December 25, 2023 10:02 pm

    genuinely noah isn’t to blame for anything.

MadReader December 2, 2023 12:17 am

Saw this whole scenario playout well what's next?

MadReader November 28, 2023 10:23 pm

Why am I feeling all tingly inside over a cartoon character? What is wrong with me? Lol

MadReader November 30, 2023 12:33 am

I give up on his character "development". Just when I thought he was taking one step towards being an adult. He took 3 steps backwards by reverting back to his manipulative ways. I can't honestly understand how fucking someone without consent AND out of anger is supposed to make anyone feel better. Even if he was feeling hurt because he insisted on talking it out but the hyung was still being an asshole, the most mature approach would have been to give the guy some space and let him cool off his emotions and then TRY talking it out again... AT A LATER TIME. I'm just gonna say something that some people might lash out at me for, but this series is definitely a reflection of the author's emotional intelligence. And it's not a good one. Both MCs suck, childish, and angry out of nowwhere for no real reason. I'm sorry, but the little flashbacks about the rapist idolizing his older brother who turned out to be an asshole to him, so he decided to take "revenge" by raping him under hypnosis, and the hyung who is overly jaleous of his younger brother who idolized him because he got a little bit of praise from is parents, is not doing it for me...shit even I'm confusing myself repeating this "plot" out loud. That's how confusing this whole thing is. It has no substance and I can't sympathize with either MC. Neither of their backstories, nor their personalities are relatable on any level. At the end of every chapter I always find myself saying "what? Or why?". This whole thing is a brain rotter. Not even the smut is enjoyable. It's tasteless and boring. Honestly, I'm just here to see the final outcome.
Anyways, just ranting. Not expecting people to agree or disagree. OR expecting any improvements on this series, just exercising my right of free speech.

MadReader November 23, 2023 10:13 pm


MadReader November 23, 2023 10:08 pm

Looks like the author wants to take it there first...

MadReader November 20, 2023 12:34 am

Why did he have to turn out to be an upstanding man afterall? This is what true love looks like. Ahem now on with the Queen's head!

MadReader November 20, 2023 12:09 am

So this shit is going to be dragged through a 3rd season?

MadReader November 15, 2023 10:18 pm

Seems the new Emperor aka Prince has 9 lives. Well, the whole plot is a joke.... I just wanna see this through.

MadReader November 4, 2023 5:45 am

Looks like the plot is making a detour instead of progressing

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