I was a little annoyed with the reupload notification, but re-reading the official translations is so worth it. A lot of small details that were confusing make sooo much sense now. The dialogues and monologue are clearer. So, thank you Bloomingdale. Can’t wait for the new season in November, in the meantime, I am going to enjoy re-reading this!

Thank you for putting into words what I'm thinking... few Yaoi with an interesting story now don't contain rape..it's as if it's a kind of baptism... ( ̄∇ ̄")
as if in real life if it didn't happen we'd all react like that, throwing ourselves into the arms of the man who raped us and they lived happily ever after ??? Mannnn

Out of curiosity I clicked on it since it was on the homepage....I scanned chapter 52 (not by accident) clicked from the pictures section again because I was curious. Scanned it and I must say, I finally found my limit. I don't like cats nor own one, but this is just wrong. Ofc I am not shaming anyone who enjoys reading this.... kind of stuff. Also, checked out the comment section, it's nice to see I wasn't the only one who got put of by it.
Wtf? I'll wait when the officials are uploaded. Why bother if you're going to butcher the translation? At this point the raws are easier to read than whatever that was