The idea behind this manhua has great potential. However, I fail to understand why the author is pushing Chinese imperialism. The whole premise is that the savior goes to different worlds yet here he has westerners (America) fighting with easterners (China) and its not subtle at all. Come on now do better.

What to say about this Manhwa? Manhua?. Let’s start with the art, the art is decent you can tell in the beginning that the artist took great care in drawing certain scenes and then they started getting lazy. You start seeing them taking shortcuts in things like shoes or hands ( i have never seen more fists than in this manhwa) then later on the art takes a nose dive. Moving on to the fight scenes, they lack knowledge and creativity. why do i say knowledge, the artist probably lacks the knowledge of how the body moves and looks when someone is fighting, swinging a sword, spear or any weapon. Hence all characters look like they’re just jumping in every fight scene and the only way they hold any weapon is with two hands ( in the most awkward positions). Later on the chapters started becoming rushed and many scenes felt cut short and unfinished. Well it was a decent read and I will continue ( too far gone to stop).

Lets see how well the artist is going to cover up Li Tainyan’s racism in the coming chapters.

I read the novel up to chapter 298 and it was just crazy and not in a good way. Firstly, the author really doesn't like any other races other than chinese and it's very obvious in his writing. In one of the chapters he (Li Tianyan) explicitly states that he hates Black people. Next he calls a guy who is from india the N word ( this could be from bad translation has it wasn't from the official site, I am trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.) Throughout the novel he clearly describes any character that is not chinese as black " the black guy" the old black guy" the the way he describes women that are not chinese is just out of pocket, he described a vietnam or myanmar (can't remember) woman stating that the women of that country are all ugly and dark skinned (this could also be from bad translation has it wasn't from the official site, and I am trying to give him the benefit of the doubt). I just hope the artist that's drawing the Manhua does a better job of telling the story than the translated novel. Also the Manhua cuts out so much of the novel. Currently before he gets into a fight with Bai Jingjia, he apparently killed a bunch of people who stole food and destroyed a cult. Honestly he spends 90% of his time doing anything but farming and he has a major god complex. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Well damn, how much benefit of doubt can you give if it happens so many times I thought it was good but we can already see this dude becoming into that god complex type, wantin to be the god who creates gods and all that shit about evolution :') i wonder if they will indeed cut out the racism or if it will remain.
For now, though i can say that my interest in this kinda dropped low

I KNOW...Ii keep saying the same thing, Like how many times can I keep being delulu. I really liked the manhua so wanted to read the novel, I really shouldn't have read it at all. My interest is currently at 40%, I hope that the artist does a better job with the manhua because the novel is a mess and you'll really start hating Li Tianran.
The official novel is up to chapter 1032 I think, it's on a chinese website that is extremely hard to register into because it needs a chinese mobile number. I wanted to read more to see if its get better but I can't. Just have to wait until the translation sites upload some more chapters which seems unlikely as the last time it was updated was 2 years ago.