Notreallyactive answered question about make a picrew
Yeah bro it’s SUPER boring nowadays it’s just MY SISTER SHIPS TANJIRO AND NEZUKO or TRAUMATIZED BY ALCOHOL??? or GAY BEST FRIEND. Shut the fucking up. We want picrews fuck your problems to the other side.
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“Flowas fo u? :D” aka press reply for more
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Press reply to cry *sob* I KNOW YOU’RE SOMEWHERE OUT THEEERE
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Offering my blood for the revival of my only kin who was killed unfairly.
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BEHOLD! Thee individuals present before mine, put the kibosh on your chitter-chatters as ye are before mine presence. Ye shall hold one’s tongue for I, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, am confabulating mine ever so indispensable harangue! ;brrngg; brnng; brrngg; gamer girl says you suck at osu!
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“Declined. You really have the guts to ask that? I’ll bonk this book on you go to horny jail. You fucking fucked my brother, stay 6ft under and away from me.”
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DON’T BE SHY COME HERE ... .. . . . ... ...... Reverse
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I’m having too much fun with this sssigh. Feelings finally bursts. Here’s the twins snapping at Teyvat’s bullshit. Where did you bitches take my brother? Spill the truth, better answer this time. Lie to me once again, then so be it. However say goodBYE to your precious world of Teyvat, should you keep your mouth shut. Do not get cocky, I wa......
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verri tired I’m waiting for a rando to slap a shitting meme and get 100 likes here... any day now..
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I can weirdly sense someone answering with a meme... hey uhm... let’s make this just a picrew yknow.. something normal...... a ha ha ha...
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“Hey Dad, when is Mom coming back?” *Dead stares at Dad’s soul*
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☟︎ “Hmm” “What’s on my face, you say?” “Fufufu It is of no importance. Somebody just rudely threw red paint at my direction, pay it no mind ~” ^
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Might be deviating from the topic. Instead of one(-yourself-), they are twins. This counts as ‘yourself’ right, maybe lmao. I always wish I was a twin. A seperated twin because, drama. Anyways in short, Genshin Impact. One is a girl One is a boy
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Look.. at what you’ve done... Lumine *sniff* I-I DIDN’T.. mean to. I’m. . .I’m so.. so sorry Brother
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Dead. The kids are living the worst hell there. But It’d be kinda nice if I end up in the red hands room.