Sunny_03 asked question about mbti groupchat

ok so I've been trying to find this manga for a long time it's about this boy who bullies girls but then he becomes a girl from a disease or whatever and then after that he has to live with being a girl and all these struggles or whatever and I can't find it also there's another one like a BL manga about this guy who was from the phillipines or sm......

Sunny_03 asked a question

I’ve been trying to find this bl manga look at my profile for a picture of it but the rundown is basically this guy from the Philippines (I think) come to America and they basically fall in love but the one from America has inner homophobia

Sunny_03 says:

Can anyone help me find this manga plz it’s about a guy name Daniel who moved from I think the Philippines to the US and he meets this boy then they become friends and at one point they’re at a party and the boy catches Daniel having sex with another boy and ya.