everywhere i can see readers hating on yahwi like tf guys lots of you are simping on seungho, seo ilmo, sangwoo etc. for me yahwi only have commitment issue due to his past but what you're saying abt him being a rapist, manipulative etc. no from the start jooin wanted that, he's not aware in their first but he's the one who initiated to have seggs and i can't understand how you think yahwi is manipulative, i can see no part of the story where he manipulated jooin lol

Listen, I have better things to do than argue with people about their poor taste in men, BUT when it comes to victim blaming I really can't ignore crap like this. It doesn't matter if Jooin was the one to initiate the sex simply because he thought it wasn't even real. A drunk person is never conscious enough to make rational judgements. So please, like Yahwi how much you want but at least acknoledge the fact that he raped Jooin. And stop victim blaming.

i never blamed jooin all i'm saying is tgat it wasn't rape lol and with the gaslighting that y'll are saying it's not, let me define gaslighting to you again. Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that's seen in abusive relationships. It's the act of manipulating a person by forcing them to question their thoughts, memories, and the events occurring around them. A victim of gaslighting can be pushed so far that they question their own sanity. My three points here, first it's not an abusive relationship, it's casual, second, jooin wasn't forced to question himself, i didn't see any scene where he thinks he's inferior and third jooin never question his sanity. Now then make your argument reasonable. y'll talking abt morality when you agree to give seungho a second chance, hopes that sangwoo is still alive and simps to seo ilmo and seongrok just bcs theyre good looking when they're literally murderers
this guy probably have a scar in bum lol how can he get himself a man with the same face as the one who his first love ended up with sheesh
Huh? I didn't get what you mean? Whose first love?
omega complex reference, the ml in this title is the 2nd lead there, and the mc here looks like the ml there but omega version
The Mc doesn't look like the ML in omega complex