I don't wanna be mean but I don't get why people try to translate when they aren't really good on the language they're translating and then be like "sorry idk what it means" and i'm here thinking by myself wtf is going on in the story cause the translation is a mess. If you're not confident enough of your translations then pls don't do it cause it just looks half-assed. I know lots of you would say, "you're reading on an illegal site so don't be picky" and I know that myself but I still want to say this cause lots of good stories gets ruined due to bad translations.
Partly agree. Sometimes the translation is so bad that u cant understand what s going on.. and the chapters wont be reupload in the future and it s gonna be a forever ruined manga.. but i personally dont mind when people make grammatical mistakes when translating or when the translation is bad but i can understand the whole picture.
I wholeheartedly agree w you. It's best to leave the series alone if you don't know how translate & don't have a translator. You see, if you submit a very bad translation, that will just destroy the story & the experience of reading it. Worse, it can leave impression that the author is bad at writing the story. Plus, if you leave the series alone, some respectable scanlator group might actually pick it up! Unfortunately some people just want to do it for likes on their social media accounts. I'm sorry, but I just hope that we get less of this type of scanlators, because it does no good by the series or the author. And I hope that this type of scanlator also stops when the series gets licensed. Like really, why continue on when an official version is already in the works. Sorry for my rants.
this guy probably have a scar in bum lol how can he get himself a man with the same face as the one who his first love ended up with sheesh
Huh? I didn't get what you mean? Whose first love?
omega complex reference, the ml in this title is the 2nd lead there, and the mc here looks like the ml there but omega version
The Mc doesn't look like the ML in omega complex