2023-03-20 01:06 marked

It gets revealed to us that we have a humans vs vampires war going on, and the only way to defeat the vampires is to have the human of the moon and the human of death become one (just like Aman, the god of moon and god of death, how sweet).
(Also from this point we are assuming that Agia is the human of death)
We also find out that before Ken, there was another human of moon candidate, Isabel, but they are currently missing. I find it very odd that for some reason, despite that fact that Isabel and Agia were together (as in, in the same vicinity), the prophecy did not come to completion. We do not know what happened between the two of them, but we do know that everyone is keeping quiet about it and I find that suspicious. Isabel is recognized by the church of aman as the human of the moon, and yet the church is okay with the possibility of there being another candidate.
This leads me to wonder if:
a) is Isabel really a candidate, and what happened to her
b) how much truth does the prophecy hold? how can there be 2 candidates (assuming Isabel or Ken are actually candidates)
Moving on from Isabel, I find Ken’s existence very interesting. We know that Ken’s sign for being a candidate stems from his hair glowing in the moonlight. I feel like there’s more to his existence due to the following reasons:
1. In chapter 4, Ken tells Agia about his dreams. In particular, a reoccurring nightmare that he has. In this dream, he is begging for forgiveness from a child with white hair and red eyes. Ken calls their name and apologizes, but they refuse to answer. We then see that this child looks very similar to Ver. Agia tells us that dreams are Aman’s way of playing and communicating with humans.
2. Ken is the only human known to brake out of a vampire’s trance. Now imagine the odds of that vampire being the first vampire in existence????
3. We also know that Ver is looking for Ken. Ver has successfully come in contact with Ken twice already, but due to reasons we don’t know, he can not forcefully take Ken with him. Ken has to willingly want to go to him. Ver calls Ken his “Sun”, and also refers to him as Cain.
4. In chapter 9, we learn more about the tale of Aman but my senses are telling me that there is more to this story. From what we see, the god of moon died because a human was tricked by a little monster who was jealous of how Aman treated the humans, and this resulted in the death of the moon. This monster become immortal, and begins to suck the blood of humans at night, thus becoming the first vampire.
I can’t help but wonder how much of this is the truth. Because if you think about it, why would the monster kill the god of the moon?
(From this point, I am going to assume that Ver is the little monster from the legend)
If Ver was jealous of the treatments the humans were getting from Aman, why would he kill Aman? From other stories (and a little bit of logic), it would make more sense for Ver to get rid of the humans, in order for him to get attention from Aman, or more specifically — the god of moon. Fictional stories always talk about how humans as a species are greedy, and is never satisfied with what they have. I can’t help but think that Ver (as a child), possibly got manipulated into killing the god of moon by the humans, in which that thought they could get it’s powers. That clearly didn’t work, and as a result Ver took revenge on humans by drinking their blood.
5. “Okay, but what does this have to do with Ken?” Said nobody. Chapter 18, Ver says something that really sparked some thoughts in me. “Just because he doesn’t remember who he is, doesn’t mean he isn’t a god”.
Ver’s flashback in chapter 13 shows him as a child with someone who is caring for him. It is unclear if that is the god of moon, Ken/Cain, or somebody else. However, since he had that flashback while he was with Ken, I am going to assume the person in it was Ken.
Many clues and details have led me to suspect that Ken is either:
a) a human reincarnation/manifestation of the god of moon
b) a human reincarnation/manifestation of another god, possibly being a sun god.
I am leaning towards the latter because:
1. The fact that there is a god of death, and a god of moon leads me to believe that there is a possibility of other gods existing. This has not been confirmed, so who knows.
2. If other gods do exist in this webtoon, and if they similarly named like Aman, I have reasons to believe that there’s a possibility that Ken is the god of sun.
3. These reasons being that in Greek mythology, Artemis is the godess of hunt, wilderness, wild animals, chastity, and THE MOON. Artemis is also the twin sister of Apollo, the sun god. With that being said, Ken could very well be the sibling of the god of moon.
4. Another reason being that Ver continues to refer to Ken as Cain. In Christian theology, Cain holds significance because he was humanity’s first murderer. He killed his younger brother because he was jealous of him.
We know that Ken has somehow wronged Ver, based on the dreams that he has. Based on Ver’s flashbacks, he was very close to someone who could either be the god of moon, or Ken.
I would like to theorize that Ver was jealous of how the humans were able to get close to the gods. Maybe Ver wanted to get close to Ken, and not Aman. Humans could have taken advantage of this in order for Ver to take the fall for it, and they would get Aman’s power. But seeing how Aman is literally a god, Ver probably couldn’t have been able to withstand the power (hence the blood drinking). If I really wanted to take this for a stretch, I would say that the reason why Ken is so apologetic is because he probably had to do something in order for Ver to survive from taking the god of moon’s life force. Ken could have been the one to make Ver a vampire. And the god of death could have punished Ken by wiping his memories and turning him into a human. Turning gods into humans seem to be a reoccurring punishment in fiction and theology, so it is a possibility.
And of course there’s always the possibility that the church is aware of this. Because why else would they keep Ken?
2021-08-13 06:00 marked
2021-08-13 05:54 marked
kinda scary hot