Title Update Recommend
Actual manga (13) 2023-11-05 0
Anything with a tyrant or villainess (199) 2024-03-17 1
Romance Isekai Action Villain Tyrant
Anything with a villain/tyrant 2(194) 2024-11-20 0
Completed (110) 2024-12-19 0
Action Isekai Romance
Hentai 0////0(138) 2024-10-20 0
Historical(57) 2024-12-16 0
Hmmm sus(139) 2024-07-16 0
Isekai(199) 2024-05-28 0
Isekai 2(112) 2024-12-17 0
Isekai I love (32) 2022-10-10 0
Isekai but action(37) 2024-06-06 0
Isekai completed(11) 2022-08-03 0
Isekai gay(3) 2023-10-04 0
Just kind of cute(16) 2024-05-31 0
Kinder(171) 2024-12-17 0
Martial arts(171) 2024-10-20 0
Promo(1) 2021-08-18 0
Pure action (91) 2024-11-21 0
Romance unrelated (47) 2024-05-28 0
Want to read(100) 2024-07-10 0