has 0 missing assignments, good grades, etc but in reality, his room isn’t even organized and a/an introvert. He has a briefcase(which is slightly larger/bigger than the one in the photo.) with a detachable scythe in it. He normally carries/brings around a cane too (pretend that the crowbar is a cane.) .
I drowned myself on purpose so my hot swimming teacher would save me I was 11
shut yo skin tone chicken bone googwe chwome no home fwip phone disowned ice cweam cone gawden gnome extwa chwomosome metwonome dimmadome genome fuww bwown monochwome student woan indiana jones ovewgwown fwint stone x and y howmone fwiend zone sywvestew stawwone owgasmic moan kiww zone methadone thundewdome ewdwitch tome cosmodwome fwying dwone sie......
Guilty Pleasure / Hot stuff